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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. Scandinavia legalized gay marriage; look at that sad country now.
  2. tvashtarkatena


    Yeah, I just made that up. If ya can't beat 'em.... ....but, of course, we can beat 'em.
  3. ...will mark the death of marriage, family,and virtually everything we hold dear as Americans. Kiss your precious little ones goodbye. The Gay Horde is at the gate.
  4. That he survived three heart attacks is proof that a) there is no God or b) we should all be worshiping the other guy with the pitchfork
  5. Cell phones in the back country would be more useful if you could employ them to call in a defoliant air strike.
  6. Your, um, 'disappointing' attempt at conflating belief in The Divine Kitty with support of civil rights somewhat diminished the audiences interest in what your beliefs might be but hey, just for shits and grins, how let's hear 'em. How did you, will you, or would you vote on Referendum 71, and why? I voted for it. Go.
  7. Oh, and all consumer choices are also moral choices, whether or not the consumer admits it to themselves.
  8. Um...YES...preferably modeled by and consumed by the right hawtness.
  9. Haven't you heard? Increased sexual freedom only thickens our chains.
  10. Here's your first mistake. I'm thinking he gets that a lot.
  11. Commence stupid things hitting other stupid things.
  12. Random comment generator.
  13. Those who can, do. Those who can't, warn.
  14. Did you spend ur berfday at Smiffie? AAARRRGGGGHHHHHH
  15. BTW, Singing the Magic Themes of The Grand Patriotic Era: Our God Inspired Founding Fathers, Lennon as Post-Modern Apocalypse, and Mom's Virginity, only pacifies the brain-eaten Zombie Horde. Recommend PMing KKK. Here's some timely logic right back atcha: a) Your religion discriminates against gays. Ergo b) You suck.
  16. I do love a good lecture on the Constitution.
  17. The Great Big Fuzzy Kitty Way Up In The Sky says we can do anything we put our minds to.
  18. I'm firmly rooted in the American tradition which begins: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. The 1st Amendment speaks of the liberty to believe as you wish, that you may practice according to your religious beliefs free from persecution so long as my beliefs do not largely infringe upon the rights of others. The 2nd Amendment can be understood as the right to protect oneself from the encroachment by others upon one's rights. You speak as if you believe that our founding father's words are anathema to your postmodern(?--post postmodern?) view that sovereign nations, religions, and other traditional forms have been eclipsed by something infinitely better. John Lennon's Imagine really is your anthem isn't it? a) Founding Fathers cited Great Big Fuzzy Kitty Way Up In The Sky. b) Founding Fathers wrote Constitution. Therefore c) Failure to believe in Great Big Fuzzy Kitty Way Up In The Sky = Beatles Fandom There is a God after all.
  19. Reason is a dung heap, and I, a cock who crows upon it. "What atheists Kant refutes" With syntax like that, you just know it's going to be an intellectual tour de force. Faith explained: "There's a bunch of stuff we can't explain". "OK". "That's because The Great Big Kitty Way Up In The Sky doesn't want us to." "That sounds just a little bit fucked up" "Only because you're uncomfortable with the unexplained."
  20. I feel warmer already.
  21. This thread was never going to go anywhere, but I suspect it's not even going to get that far.
  22. Whistling now.
  23. I can be as brief and pointless as JayB is verbose and point...ful, I guess.
  24. The exceptional one.
  25. Feel free to comment on it. The new sig, I mean.
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