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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. tvashtarkatena


    The cool thing about America is that there are no stupid ideas here. Build a bomb big enough to destroy the world? We're on it. Put in on a rocket? You got it. Put a man on it? Line up. Put a 3 men and a car on it and send it to the moon? Buy the T shirt, already. One thing leads to the next, but, in the end, we get some great little foreign restaurants out of the deal.
  2. tvashtarkatena


    This thread is proof positive that you should be careful where you place a thumbs up.
  3. tvashtarkatena


    Being an American is like having Thanksgiving Dinner at the trailer park every damn day of the year.
  4. tvashtarkatena


    Don't know about that. If Australia had the population and wealth we do, they'd probably be blowing up a lot of shit, too. Historically, they love to get in on a good fight. South Africa needs no introduction in that department. If you look at other areas: abortion laws, privacy/4th amendment-type protections, the Commonwealth countries typically have more invasive laws and fewer protections than we do. But, I will agree that culturally...with fully half our population being out and out morons screaming the word FREEDOM, eyes pursed like corner schizos, as if to encapsulate all that is right and just and good and wholesome in Our Great Nation in a single, easy to pronounce, not that foreign sounding word, all under the Loving and Watchful Guise of The Great Big Fuzzy Kitty Way Up In The Sky...we might have some issues.
  5. tvashtarkatena


    If we devoted all the energy we put into killing into fucking instead, we'd really have a problem. Plus, we'd never know where the fuck anything is on the map. And, with all that extra disposable income and no emotional outlet, we'd become a nation of Scarface-wannabe douche bags. Thank God for war.
  6. tvashtarkatena


    Well, OK, cheap, then.
  7. tvashtarkatena


    I'm just glad I'm free.
  8. tvashtarkatena


    Well, 2 more years, anyway.
  9. tvashtarkatena


    Cool fucking toys, though.
  10. tvashtarkatena


    America loves waging war, and it is currently proving that it's willing to destroy itself to continue doing so. I thought I'd do my patriotic duty on this day of remembrance, as encouraged by our Commander in Chief, to call our glorification of military service, and therefore our glorification of warfare, what it really is: one of many manifestations of a national addiction which has played a central role in bringing about our current downfall.
  11. Heh heh.
  12. tvashtarkatena


    Thanks for winning WWII. Thanks, Dad. After that...65 years of continual, increasingly expensive warfare in places we never should have been.
  13. Read up, my fine soldiers of freedom! Read up!
  14. FW's freedom, the freedom he's stood behind in word if not deed every damn American day, all day.
  15. Freedom from dusty old Constitution. Freedom to blow a trillion stomping on some little brown people because we fucking feel like it. Freedom to shove our cult down everyone else's throat. Freedom from The Gay Hordes. Freedom from the yoke of totalitarianism...unless practiced by our own government or corporations. Republican Freedom.
  16. 4 times more expensive than anyone else's.
  17. In fact, it's pretty fucking expensive.
  18. And it ain't free.
  19. It's the FREEDOM, stupid.
  20. Freedom from affordable and equal access to health care for all. Freedom to be fucked in the ass by corporations. Read up. Read up!
  21. Gladly wood this cross I'd bear.
  22. It's a Tim Burton style zombie, you idiots.
  23. and sometimes you even get a double negative.
  24. Predictable omission: Obama was at Dover giving full military honors to those killed for the better part of an entire night...most of it off camera. I'd say your post says more about your poverty of spirit than Obama's.
  25. tvashtarkatena


    The only sport I like watching on TV are swimming and curling. Swimming because that shit is so amazing. Curling, because the chicks are hot, but dressed like Applebee's waitresses.
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