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Everything posted by i_like_sun

  1. Oh my god...... I seriously just about swallowed my own Trachea when this page loaded... Did you know that the weight of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet actually changes the shape of the globe into mild oval? Or maybe they have it wrong, it her instead!
  2. I think you are high on more than just rock buddy....... I would hurl like hell after consuming a half gallon of that crap! I'm super into my blender's home made shakes. mmmmm 20g vanilla or chocolate whey protein 1 LARGE banana 2-3 tablespoons of peanut of almond butter 2-3 tablespoons of blackberry honey or dark maple syrup Dash of salt (salt is important for glycogen synthesis) 1) Its freaking insanely delicious! 2) Great hit of amino acids, sugars to pull the aminos into cells (insulin), and fatty acids to boost those anabolic hormone levels! Plus you get a large dose of Potassium, vitamin E, and minerals from the honey or syrup (maple syrup has more minerals than honey).
  3. MMMM, yes. Long, lean, supple, strong and mean! Thats when muscles are their sexiest! I wasn't implying that we all go become stiff meat heads....... Actually, its my personal experience (and there is research here as well) that working on strength and flexibility [at the same time] is one of the best things you can do for a muscle. Basically, by doing too much static stretching you lengthen the muscle, yes, but it actually becomes weaker in the process - its ability to contract forcefully and accurately is reduced. And on the flip side, if you don't work with a full range of motion muscles get too tight and too short - again, they dont' fire properly and they are at risk for tears. I had an experience a few years ago when I was constantly stretching my hamstrings. They started out super tight, but eventually they became too lax, and they weren't firing at the right times. I began to have some serious knee pain and some mild tendentious in my biceps femoris insertion. For rehab, I did slow and controlled straight-legged deadlifts in a full range of motion (along with a complete strength and conditioning protocol). It retrained my hamstrings to fire properly and I am actually far more flexible now (and 100 times stronger). Sherri, you seem to know quite a bit about this stuff. What is it you do?
  4. It seems to me that almost everyone I know that runs ALL THE TIME is dealing with achilles tendentious, iliotibial sydrome, plantar fasciitis, or hip problems. I just don't think that running miles [everyday] is healthy! Personally, I freaking LOVE to run, but I can't do it all the time - I lose muscle mass too fast. I've found that if I do less frequent, but much higher intensity runs I get far more out of it, AND I save my achilles... For cardio, I've read a lot of research that describes high intensity circuit training as one of the best forms (meaning about a 40 minute session of resistance training will full body movement patterns with very little rest). It stimulates more muscle mass and elicits a better endocrine response for lean tissue growth than simple long distance endurance training. It may seem backwards to what a climber would want to train for, afterall we are endurance athletes, but building up a solid base of lean muscle and strength is being proven in studies to enhance actual endurance performance and increase cardiovascular capacity. I know I haven't posted any references, so if anyone is interested I could post a couple study titles on here. There, ramble over.
  5. You are right about that Ms. Muffs. We are part of nature, just its stupid side!
  6. Actually, Mr. KaskadskyjKozak, he's right. If you look at the geologic record we ARE do for another ice age... Now I am no geology "expert", but I have read the same thing in [The Journal of Glaciology]. A Geo. proff. back in college said the same thing too.....
  7. I was flying back from the UK last summer and got some ****AWSOME**** views of Greenland and Iceland from the plane (Small note: Greenland has some [fucking mountains]). It was utterly amazing..... you could even see "really big looking" crevasses from 40,000 feet, which has to mean that they were gargantuan holes... On to the topic: I could see these massive dust fields were the ice sheet once sprawled out into the north atlantic. In some places there were seriously miles between the ice and the ocean. Now, I've spent a lot of time studying glaciers and how they affect the landscape, and I could most definately see the physical retreat of the ice. Its scary, and sad. In terms of general glacier melting, this is a super good study: http://www.nichols.edu/departments/glacier/ I wish more people were interested and passionate about cleaning up the atmosphere. But then again not everyone fully understands how much change has happened to the ice.
  8. "Talk Back: Whats Your Mom Worth?" Dude that is just sick. I love my mom!
  9. technically, you have one. How do you think the pee gets out? I don't have a "hollow-deck", I have a flame thrower instead. Usually my urine gets beamed out with mental concentration.
  10. I'm just a piro... mmmm, explosions.....
  11. The following metals are flammable: Lithium (Li), Sodium (Na), Potassium (K), Rubidium (Rb), Cesium (Cs), Magnesium (Mg) Come on people, I was stoned during high school chemistry too, but at least I woke up for the exams. I have access to all this stuff at the university lab..... If you guys like I could get a bunch of it together and we could have a bomb building session! Haha! I'm feeling nutz today! HAHA!
  12. Broccoli sprouts are yummy as heck. And they're supposed to have really long lasting anti-oxidant properties.
  13. Muffy, stop making fun of people! You silly goose.
  14. She does that to you too???!!!
  15. OK I'll just say, I don't [really hate} gym climbing, its basically as muffy says, "I don't have fun there". Sometimes I enjoy it, but mostly for the movements of climbing. Like just getting my harness on and practicing rope work. Or saying "srcrew you stupid tape lines, I'm climbing whatever route I want!" That little numbers game drives me insane... Overall, I am usually only in the gym to get a good workout in (my gym is huge and has a good indoor wall with massive amounts of exercise equipment). Frankly I prefer to lift weights or run or swim to get exercise. Boldering is fun, its just easy for me to get burnt out on it. I don't have anything against people who do it every day for hours on end. Quite the contrary, they are probably better climbers than I am. I will say however, that the majority of the people [i know] who spend all the hours on the wall, usually have never climbed anything "real". Someone on here said, "they need to be humbled". Perhaps if I would enjoy gym climbing more if I had never climbed outdoors. Muffy's quote: "what i mean by this is that climbing outside involves learning things you can not learn in the gym." There.
  16. Yeah but thats how culture works. As a whole we've run out of new ideas and we're just cycling back through all the old ones! Seaweed is massively delicious......
  17. You bet! I've got a nice stinky strong immune system! Praise garlic!
  18. i_like_sun

    Jims number

    Now THAT is funny!
  19. I agree. I think some of us may be borderline freak/:nurd: though! Who DOESN'T want a hollow-deck?
  20. Again: I cannot understand how she became soo hot.... man, I need to go to another thread!
  21. Try having a climbing gym at your school - everyone who gets on a couple holds says the sport is easy. Or when you mention to someone at a party that you climb and they talk about how they've climbed in a gym. I used to care - but to each their own. Plus, I run too much to be considered a true climber, so who am I to judge anyone? i don't know that i judge so much as i find it amusing. and i certinly don't argue with them. in my never to be humble oppinion if you are not outside then it's not really climbing, you are working out. not a bad thing to do to pass the time and it certinly takes skill and streangth, but you don't take your life in your own hands on any level and that is my definintion of "climber" Holy Jeeze, this scinario drives me insane! I go to parties and people ask "what do you like to do" and I'm like, "um, uh, I like to climb". Then they say "COOOOOL, I love watching you guys on the wall at school!" Then I'm like, "yeah, I pretty much hate that fuckin' thing.....outdoor is better". Then they say "whats outdoor climbing?" Then I want to kill myself..
  22. Its because news anchors are idiots man! Why do you suppose that the only news thats sells (or increases TV ratings) is bad news!??? How F****** are we?
  23. Oh my god, T'pol is sooooooo hot......... fheeew, I need to find me a nice Vulcan!
  24. I've been eating basically TONS of olive oil and garlic and I'm noticing that my skin is feeling more moist and healthy! I've read some studies about the mono and poly unsaturated fats in olive that help to boost androgen production. Just thought I'd throw that on here.
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