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Everything posted by i_like_sun

  1. Well, thats a good reason not to mix sex, aspirin, and beer. You know, just in case there is a really shitty slipup.
  2. I guess I've been wondering about Archy's soft and cuddly side for a while now.
  3. "was"? thats kinda what i was thinking too. but that sounds like an awsome trip. I have 10 years to save You bastards. Cramping my style and all! Pssssh. Stupid old people.
  4. Lets DO THIS MUFFY! I've wanted to go to Nepal and Tibet since I was a wee laddy! My old man (veteran climber/wanker) always talked about the Himalaya, so its been building for a while now... Like as you said, I'm not sure I need to summit. Just to go and get the feel might be enough. I always wonder about summits though...... Just minus the whole death and tissue loss scinario and I'm probably there. Lets go see this and this too! (although Anapurna would be the LAST peak I'd ever think about playing on...)
  5. OK OK OK, you win! Seriously man, that picture rocks! You look like you just took a massive hit of cocaine! Either that, or just got nailed nutz!
  6. i_like_sun


    I tried saying it a bunch of time quik, but then I choked and nearly died..... Yeah, the music scene....... YEP.
  7. Muffy, how is it that you can kick soooo much ass at Spray!
  8. You may be right. Perhaps my source was wrong. I'll look into it.
  9. i_like_sun


    Ahh yes. I was using the cheerleaders as an example of "non hippies"..... I'm sure there are some "normal" girls on campus somewhere. I mean, Kevbone is one of them. That means theres got to more, right?
  10. Jugpuller, thats so rad! BANG BANG! You redneck.....
  11. My house buddy/dude just built up a Whizzer on a 1965 Schwinn cruzer. The fuckin' thing gets 120 miles to the gallon, and looks so damn cool......!!! I'm building one now..
  12. i_like_sun


    Actually, bubb, I happen to live near a whole bunch of "super preppy I want to take my clothes off and shave my legs twice a day" cheerleaders! They also all drive $60,000 cars....... People who think that the Bacon is nothing more than hippies with hary legs have an impression of only approximately 1/8 of the population. However, that 1/8 is mean. Very mean. And smelly too for that matter. So yes. Stay away. Stay FAR AWAY.......
  13. I told you all Kevbone is a smarty. Look, he used an Encyclopedia!
  14. You could always go out an buy a gun for when this happens again!
  15. I know. Just when you think you are about to get a really blissful hit, youre' fucked. Damn cheating idiots....... When ARE they going to put some real drugs in stuff?
  16. Kevbone, ah Kevbone.... By pimp I mean "manhandles the rest of us to reply to his posts in anger and vein...." There is just no getting around it. The dude (although I still have not officially established "its" gender) has us all hooked.
  17. I think you are sick. Dating toddlers like that n' all.... I can see how the mom being attached could be a loaded situation however.
  18. Actually I though of an even lamer situation. Anyone on here remeber a news flash from like, um, 10 years ago where this lady sliced off her husband's penis with a kitchen knife??? I guess he asked for head and she didn't like that idea..... Yes, that is lame.
  19. i_like_sun


    Thats just because sqeezin one out put you in a bad mood.
  20. We could make soap with her fat. I'll donate a quarter.
  21. i_like_sun


    The Belly is pretty good. Theres lots of girls.
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