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Everything posted by i_like_sun

  1. seriously? you are middle class? you earn 30,000$ to 99,000$ a year? i thought you were a college student. p.s. ihad to look that up to see what is considerd middle class these days. HOLY SHIT I AM MIDDLE CLASS!!!!!!!! FUCKING A!!!!! i can not fucking believe it. *breaks arm patting self on back* :moondance: Muffy: 1) you just used my favorite quote "Fucking - A" 2) in my book, hun, yur as high class as they come!
  2. i am happy and horny. i think one will increas if I do something about the other Are you talking about a linear relationship? We could come up with an equation to describe Muffy's love patterns! y=mx + b , therefore, (to make this sound very intelligent and sophisticated), let x = happiness, and let y = horniness. In Muffy's case the y intercept was derived with some very sophisticated time travel personality averaging equipment at NASA, to be 10. Which means that she lives in a mild constant state of horniness. In addition, the slope of this equation was calculated by British physicists at the university of Edinburgh, to be 17. This would imply that Ms. Muffy's current state of happiness AND horniness are highly relational. The units on x are photons of joy per neural second (PJ/N-sec.), and the units on y are photons of masturbation per neural second (PMS/N-sec.). So at any given moment's intensity, they equation is as follows: y = 17x + 10 Therefore if x = 30 PJ / N-sec., y = 520 PMS / N-sec. The equation has one source of error however. Because Muffy seems to always be in a state of pure and innocent bliss, the physicists at Edinburgh, and NASA, were unable to average into the equation what would happen if Muffy fell into a bad mood. The most current and promising theory is that the laws of physics would shift, and the universe would self implode into a "BIG CRUNCH". They are speculating that Muffy could possibly be the last missing link in the theory of everything. There
  3. What about: "I love the land, but hate and fear the country"
  4. Yes. And, by the way so is "Yes".
  5. Hmmmmm......... maybe we're on to something........ I_like_Older women!
  6. Yeah, they now make these little muscle timers that tells you exactly how stable you joints are...... No. I was just trying to get A DIFFERENT point accross...
  7. No, no burning. Just a whole shit tone of HOTNESS! Oh yeahhh!
  8. NINJA CAT!!!! I think this is the coolest thing I have EVER seen........ I actually really want to get bulldog. Stupid cats....
  9. Hey, asshole, I like Muffy's emoticons!
  10. I'll tunnel my way through the ice with my penis's flame thrower.
  11. that may well be, but that does not dis prove that humans are part of nature. I'll bet someone could get funding to try to disprove this though... Well, yeah. I mean, nature is dirt and stuff, whereas we're all made in God's image. Ergo, God is a Bellevue housewife on a taun taun with an urgent breast implant appointment. It makes sense, right? I think about this kind of stuff a lot. according to my vary favorite author on the face of the planet all red heads and blonds are aliens. and only the red heads are the good guys. i can't recall what the theory was on people with brown hair.... i 'm a natural blond but i often disguise my self with red dye... does that mean i can not except my own evil nature.... these are the things i htink about 1) Blondes are eternally hot as shit - no matter how dumb they may be 2) Redheds are eternally hot as shit - no matter how dumb they may think they may be. You see, yur in a win win! Things I think about: uuuhhhh, uuuuummmmm, my butt itches, uuuuuhhhhh, is there food in that fridge?
  12. I agree Muffy! Man, you and I just seem to hit it off perfect...... I too want the next ice age to happen NOW so I can get in tons of year round ice climbing and snowboarding! Can you imagine the Seattle Smith Tower being crushed by a mile thick sheet of ice??? Now that would be cool! Cheers to the END OF CIVILIZATION!!!
  13. Layton, you piece of shit. PPhh, chiropractors....
  14. I wish my homework were asexual so it would do itself.......
  15. I still drink coffee, one home made two shot americano every morning! Heck, it increases concentration, which I NEED (serious ADD) and its supposed to reduce the risk of Alzheimer's! Plus........... its slides down sooooo smoothly with breakfast.....
  16. Holy shit that was funny..... very sick however..... what does that say about me/us?
  17. its callled bamboo i just fired me bike up last week, got her insured and im up and runnin, too bad the squamish highway is so fucked Here's my baby Oh christ........ I want one of these SOOO bad..... I was looking at a Triumph 675 a couple of months ago, and actually got to fire it up for a few minutes. Dude, thats so much power between you legs!!! How do you say "Zero to sixty in like, um, NOW!??" I better not though, I might seriously kill myself...
  18. that's a theory; not a fact. The bible has some interesting theories too, like "go stone to death disobedient children".
  19. Oh dude...... seriously, it beats "normal" milkshakes any day! In my humble opinion that is...
  20. A muscle "fires" in response to an action potential from a neuron. Basically, the "contraction signal" is sent down your spinal cord from the motor cortex in the brain and out to the working muscle. The greater the amplitude of that signal, the more motor units will "fire", and a greater number of muscle fibers will contract. Generally speaking, bigger signals will elicit bigger responses in muscles. It is an "all or nothing process" - meaning there are no "halfway contractions". The only thing that changes is the number of individual "firing" muscle cells. So when I said that my hamstring wasn't "firing at the right time", I am talking about WHEN this whole contraction cascade happens. In order to properly stabilize joints during movement, muscles have to work together and equalize each other's force vectors. So what was [probably] going on, was that my biceps femoris was not contracting at the right time in order to provide that posterior (from the rear) force on my tibia. That way, my knee joint was slipping slightly anterior (to the front) and placing stress on the tendon of that muscle and my ACL (explaining my tendonitis and throbbing knee joint). Did that help at all?
  21. An Ice WILL happen again..... its just a matter of time. I know you guys have heard of that movie "The Day After Tomarrow", well its pretty much a peice of shit, but the theories are correct. Once we dilute the North Atlantic Ocean enough the Gulf Stream will shut down (actually, its weakend by about 43% since the early 1940's) thus cutting off all warm air transter to the north. This will change the entire mechanics of the planet's climate, and we will begin the next ice age. Personally, I'm doing my best "not to worry about it". In fact, if it happens in my life time (unlikely) it would be fantastically interesting! Yeah.
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