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Everything posted by KirkW

  1. Since you did all the google searches and stuff this is probably a waste of your time but I ran a couple for you. I used really complicated search criteria for this one. "Mt Hood Weather Patterns" http://www.google.com/search?ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&sourceid=navclient&gfns=1&q=mt+hood+weather+patterns first result... http://web.oregon.com/weather/history_gorge.cfm interesting second result... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mount_Hood_climbing_accidents Good luck with your climb. Let us know the dates and we'll see if we can arrange good weather for your trip.
  2. Shit...is it that time of year again? All of the beta, including photos, that you are asking for are available on this website. Do a search for Hood in Trip Reports and start sorting through the ton of search results. If you can get yourself a copy of "oregon high" all of your questions will be answered as well. You could also try Googling Mt. Hood and see what happens. You will find no shortage of good info. Could we please get a hood specific forum so all this crap is corralled in one place?
  3. Sweet! Another bolting thread. Were's Monsignor Jeffe?
  4. Hey guys I just moved here and I have some other friends that I've like scheduled this climb with and stuff and since they are coming from so far away I was wondering if maybe like you guys could just like tell me it's OK to go out this weekend? Please don't give me any reality I just wanna hear you say it's all good. We'll be real safe and take a rope and stuff and I just got a brand new GPS which I can use if we get in trouble or anything. Right? Cheers!
  5. You should post this in climbing partners...or prepare to be flamed.
  6. Nice troll...maybe Ivan will bite.
  7. KirkW

    Fuck Jesus

    If he ever existed at all. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christ_myth_theory http://www.thegodmovie.com/ Jeebus don't sound like such a bad guy but no evidence exists to actually prove that he existed. And no...the bible is not a valid source considering it's history. http://www.nobeliefs.com/DarkBible/darkbible2.htm
  8. 2:00 on a tuesday afternoon is a little early to be that drunk...but that's cool...sick line bro.
  9. Why is this article making the RMI guides out to be the hero's. They were not first on the scene. Climbers in the climbing party began a self rescue and RMI joined their rescue effort. The climbers initiating the self rescue were too stupid to pull on the rope? WTF? Props to the guides for their quick actions but why is the article focused on the efforts of RMI? Sounds like all kinds of people were involved in this. This whole thing is shitty... and I agree with your other post Dane that the guide services leaving the parking lot with a rope team of noobers knowing full well that the upper mountain is "out" is obviously just in this for the money. Total bullshit.
  10. I have a cousin in Iraq currently, my brother is on his way and I have an uncle who did 2 tours in O.I.L the first time around. My brother has also done a shit ton of advanced combat/Air Assault/ etc.etc. and tells me without a doubt that climbing a big volcano in less than optimal conditions is harder than anything else he's ever done. My uncle and cousin are not the least bit interested in it and tell me that I'm obviously fucking crazy and or stupid for climbing mountains. Not saying you can't do it but I'm trying to point out that being in the military isn't really gonna help you out all that much up there other than the fact that it might have taught you a little about suffering. Weekend camping trip...really? The idea that being a football player is somehow relevant to your abilities to function up there...now that's just plain laughable. It's usually the bigger dudes that burn out first.
  11. Much better Rainiergroup. I wish you guys luck.
  12. Dude...WTF? Seriously? Another hood SS conditions thread? I wish we could trade it to WA for Adams. I would suggest Hood to be the perfect place to practice your new passion for mountaineering. This weekend as a matter of fact. Good luck. If you can actually read a weather forcast and 7 day history from NOAA then what the fuck are you doing asking here?
  13. The mountain you want to climb is not in right now and the locals are avoiding it, but you're insisting on going up anyway even though you are acknowledging a very late start and an obvious lack of experience in regards to climbing out here. Sweet! Can't wait for the round the clock nation wide coverage of PMR's next search. Maybe next time you can give us a little more notice and we'll change the weather to fit your travel plans.
  14. Please continue...this is good stuff. BTW...I grew up in MN and my first car was a 72 Duster. Never had a problem. I think I might know a little something about driving in winter conditions. I've driven in just about the worst conditions you can still actually operate a motor vehicle in. You are wrong about the effectiveness of ABS. Good luck with your argument though.
  15. Joe...this is an utter fabrication and you know it. http://auto.howstuffworks.com/auto-parts/brakes/brake-types/anti-lock-brake.htm Is your opinion of belay devices as accurate as your opinion on antilocks?
  16. RMI doesn't have a monopoly on guiding Rainier, Dumbass. Yes that's dumbass with a capital D. Sorry to get yer panties in a twist. You must work for them or have a good friend who does? Perhaps I overstated the nature of the back room deal they got going on. What would you call it?
  17. You don't need a guide for Rainier. Especially on July 30th. Just get your buddies together once or twice before the big climb and get your shit together. Of course if you feel you must... First-you might want to think about changing your screen name because it just screams total cluster fuck. Second-you probably don't want to title your first post "Guide Needed Rainier Group Climb . Again, total cluster fuck. Finally-when you are informed that your post is requesting something that is illegal, you might want to do just a little more research into the issue before deciding for yourself that it's not illegal. This issue has been pretty well hashed out by the powers that be and I'm sorry to inform you, again, but guiding on Rainier is illegal and they will prosecute your ass. If you ask me the whole monopoly thing that's going on with RMI is Bullshit. Yes that's bullshit with a capital B. However, don't think for a second that RMI gives a rat's left testicle about what you or I think. I know a dude that can't/won't climb Rainier because if his name shows up on a permit they immediately start busting his balls and making the climb a royal pain in his ass. If he's on the mountain they accuse him of guiding because he guides alot elsewhere in WA and they are protecting their turf. Again see the bullshit part above. Whatever...I've never hired a guide and I probably never will. Unless I get this whole 7 summits thing off the ground. I'm gonna be the fattest man to do all seven of those fuckers. I'll prolly need a guide for that? Welcome to CC!
  18. Cool Ian. Thanks for the info. The nest (or what we thought was a nest) was further away than what you are describing. We didn't see all the poo either. Maybe we chased them off the nest and they were just hanging out over there until we left? They had a long wait if that's the case because the party behind us had a mini epic on First Kiss that day.
  19. Wondered when this was gonna happen. We got dive bombed by a falcon a few weeks ago but we thought it had a nest on an entirely different wall to the north. It looked like it was returning to a nest to us. Is this a different breeding pair or is the closure because of the nest on the wall to the north? That nest is a LONG way away from Kiss of the Lepers.
  20. might find this thread helpful as well http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/927523/1 +1 for the reactor. It works exactly the way everyone who owns one says it does. If you are planning on using it in the alpine you will not be disappointed. Not necessarily the stove I would carry if I was thru-hiking the pct but I think for melting snow and doing the alpine chef thing MSR fucking nailed it.
  21. This post used to say something that offended someone else. I hope it doesn't offend anyone anymore. Let me know if you don't like it...I can change it again.
  22. The article didn't identify them. Did you know them? This is the suck.
  23. btw jefe... I totally like onsite, chopped one of your routes last week...it was like f'n cool
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