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Everything posted by KirkW

  1. Fair enough. Don't remember those being there but they are far enough away that I probably didn't notice them or pay any attention. Might have been there for years for all I know. If that is indeed where they are then I would find it hard to say that someone has retro bolted SS. Are these the bolts that the OP is talking about?
  2. Who's angry? sickie sickie
  3. No jefe, It is a big deal to some of us when dbags retrobolt classic EASY trad lines. Not sure if this constitutes a squeeze job as they were not there a couple months ago and I haven't seen it. Just because you don't seem to give a shit if every single chunk of stone in Oregon gets bolts doesn't mean the rest of the climbing community feels the same way about it. Your "It's no big deal" attitude is bullshit.
  4. Two cold, dehydrated, hungry, exhausted and, by that time, frightened climbers dragging 200+ lbs of non responsive climbing partner off Lib Ridge at 13,500 in 50 mph winds? How's about we wait to second guess until at least a couple of facts about this come out? Yeah...it's been a pretty grim year so far. Be careful out there.
  5. Thanks! Weather allowing we're gonna give it another go this week.
  6. Nicely done! Thanks for the pics of the bowling alley. Looks like we missed out on a good time. I gotta get me some of those ski things you were using. How was the traverse?
  7. Wow...$21.75 and hr plus I'd get 1099'd on it. Sounds like a super good deal (for you). I'm assuming I'd have to bring all my own tools and provide a truck. Do I get to pay for nails and debris disposal too? I love how remodel work has now become the domain of the "handyman". Fast and cheap. Just like walmart.
  8. East slopes are still pretty loaded with snow and the conditions on the ridge were highly varied. First photo taken just before sunrise and the snow was all ready starting to soften up. The second was taken a couple hours later just in front of the camels hump. We weren't moving fast enough but conditions on the west side still seemed good, but everything seemed pretty good...until the sun hit it. We bailed and made an interesting and hasty decent off the south ridge. Off the mountain and wading through slush with snow shoes by midmorning. We left at midnight and still didn't get to the traverse early enough. Maybe next time.
  9. KirkW

    Mt Hood

    Got a question about Mt Hood and unable to find the answer using the Search Function? Post 'em up here and someone will, without a doubt, be more than happy to answer it for you. Please keep this thread SPRAY FREE no matter how silly the question might seem to you. If we all play nice we might even be able to get the mods to make us our very own Hood forum! Be safe out there!
  10. I think you should post this in the partners forum for starters. Perhaps then watch the partners forum and contact one of the dozens of other people that share your exact same dilemma?
  11. I drove to within 200 yards of the junction with 2160 last saturday. The first 1/4 mile of trail was mostly snow free. It's gonna melt out fast. Get some. If you head out there post up if you check out 2149 past the turn off for the south ridge. Curious about access to corigan lake th.
  12. KirkW

    Big Wall

    Could we please get a list of people that it's OK to flame outside of spray and who is on the mods "protected" list? Telling someone to mind their own business when they spray about how they disapprove of others choices in the mountains is not allowed, while flaming the shit out of Kevbone for asking a valid CLIMBING RELATED question is fine? What gives? I'm having trouble understanding what the rules of this site are. Did I not get a memo?
  13. Thanks for the public service announcement Joe. Where can I send donations to help you in your crusade to make sure all climbers on hood are wearing the proper attire? You wouldn't happen to know where I can get a helmet with a built in solar powered PLB? Integrated video camera would be sweet! I could get footage of all the people on hood that I'm better than. I've got a hood climb coming up in August and I've read I should have both. Safety first!
  14. KirkW


    \ Can I borrow your drill? (take it easy Paul, I'm just kidding)
  15. KirkW


    I think freeing chossy A2 is more your cup of tea but I'd be happy terrified to give the offwidth a shot if I can borrow a couple of your bigger cams. We'll have to get on it this fall. I was thinking hexes for Chopper anyway Mark cause the idea of falling on a cam wedged behind that flake makes me pee myself a little bit. Of course I'm assuming Chopper is the kind of route that falling on at all would be a very bad idea.
  16. KirkW


    That's why I was having trouble seeing the detached flake in the photo and wondering why it didn't look like I remembered it looking. Maybe I should be over trolling the hood threads instead of looking for beta on shit I'm not gonna climb. Thanks for clearing that up for me. I'll make sure I get the right photo off my climbing partners camera next time. Have you done either of them or know if they get climbed much? Just curious how often that flake gets tugged on. I'm sure I'll puss out once I get up there but sounds like some of that other stuff is worth looking into. Desiderata sounds like fun and it even ends with an off width move or two. Perfect! I also noticed (kinda hard to miss it) D.A.R. Crack and despite Watt's description I want to go take a closer look at it. How bad is the rock?
  17. KirkW


    5.8 line on Staender ridge. Looks fun and Watts gave it three stars in the old book but I'm easily frightened and not interested in cashing in my chips yet. The giant detached flake that you can't really see that well in this photo looked way worse in person than it does to me now. I'm trying to talk myself out of hiking up there again and any discouragement would be appreciated. Any other worthwhile, easyish trad lines up that way that I shouldn't miss if I actually am stupid enough to take my gear for a walk again? Wondering specifically about Staender ridge and the other rarely visited rocks that are close by.
  18. Sorry Ben but that's not the rope I found. It was a blue Edelwiess Axis. The owner (from Grants Pass) saw my post on Craigslist and will be picking it up from me this weekend. I'll keep my eyes open though as I'm down there 3-4 days a week weather allowing. You might have better luck posting a lost ad on Craigslist. Good luck!
  19. You can climb at Smith 12 months out of the year. You have to chase the shade/sun but you'll find lots of places to hide from both in no time. The massive number of tourons will be more of an annoyance in the summer months.
  20. Using a sharp metal pointy thing to confront a meth head is a bad idea however I'm sure even a jacked up tweaker couldn't keep fighting after a shot or two of bear spray to the face. Wouldn't kill them but they'll wish they were dead. Should keep them busy long enough for a couple of people to pounce on 'em and zip tie their arms until the cops get there.
  21. Someone left it at the columns tonight. Looks pretty damn close to brand new. I'd love to call it booty but even I wouldn't feel right about that. Identify it and I'll make sure it finds it's way back to you.
  22. Awesome. I've been waiting for another lengthy diatribe from you. I really enjoy them. What do I need to say to really set you off? Let's just pretend it's all ready been said and you can just go ahead and commence with playing your broken record while jumping up and down on a dead horse.
  23. A Hood forum would be sweet. I volunteer to be an admin. It should contain a shitty SS TR thread that we can just add to so that everyone stays current with the EXACT conditions, and at least one sticky covering all the basics such as how many stoves to bring and when to secure yourself to the rope with quickdraws. Yeah...that would be sweet. BTW...does anyone know how many ice screws I should bring for the gates, given their current condition? So stoked! Thanks.
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