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Everything posted by KirkW

  1. did you even read the first post at the link you put up? http://www.amren.com/mtnews/archives/2011/01/american_renais_16.php Buddies or total fucking strangers who have never heard of each other? You decide.
  2. In that case maybe you should ask (NWS btw)this guy . He seems to be into taking his cloths off in the mountains too. Happy climbing!
  3. Damn dude. I can beat a dead horse better than most but you're something else! Before you get all preachy with me I'll say I can see your point and I tend to agree with your theory on this but I find your approach to winning converts a bit lacking in, what you might call, "the social skills" department. Are bolts really that big of a deal to you? If they are, then I might suggest you step away from the keyboard and pick up your righteous crow bar and get busy. This never ending drooling and foaming at the mouth about bolts just makes you look like an ass (hole).
  4. I think you meant to post this question over Here Nice work on your climb! It looks like your "group" might be interested in what this company has to offer. Good luck, be safe and have fun!
  5. Is that supposed to be funny too?
  6. So was mine. Funny in the same way as your comment was funny. Ha ha. Why don't you just lighten up?
  7. Don't pay any attention to DPS and Rob. They either both know the truth about Oregon and are trying to keep all the sweet choss to themselves or they are just douche bags that are talking out of their asses. Either way, welcome to Oregon. It is a great place to live despite the economy and what people who don't even live here have to say about it.
  8. KirkW

    A Victim of War

    I'm so sick and tired of hearing these stories. Sorry for your families loss and what this country did to your nephew. My youngest brother is the same age and may soon find himself in a far away desert wondering what the fuck he's doing there. I fear something like this more than I do him not coming back. He still believes in his country "right or wrong" and I often wonder what will happen to him when he finally figures out that it's all a lie and always has been. Again, so sorry to hear about this Zimzam. Thanks for posting.
  9. KirkW

    Stop Pebble Mine

    I spent 6 weeks in Bristol bay (more specifically the mouth of the Kvichak) this summer and the opposition to the Pebble mine was everywhere. Of course, based on what I saw, if the mine doesn't wreck that place (and it most certainly, without a doubt, will ruin that place) the filthy, greedy fisherman that invade Bristol bay from all over the world during those six weeks surely will. It might just take them a little longer. They seem to be doing an excellent job of fucking up everything they touch based on my experience. Absolutely horrendous attitudes towards the environment from most of the fisherman, and even worse from the canneries and their employees. EVERYTHING got dumped in the water. I heard many proclaim proudly that Bristol bay is the "most sustainable fishery in the world". Don't know if that's true but my assumption that it is makes me very, very sad for the future of our seas. It was a record run of Salmon this year and I personally witnessed several people dumping thousands of pounds of dead or soon to be dead Sockeye back into the river because the cannery has only so much capacity and could handle only so many fish. So most of the crews (included the one I was indentured too) just over-fished and dumped the extra if they couldn't find anyone else to take them. Thousands of fish died and were tossed back in the river because the people that make a living catching them are too fucking greedy and/or lazy to do their job in a way that is sustainable and responsible. I watched in disgust as a young adult griz got shot for "fun" while it was minding it's own business on the other side of a creek. Beautiful place filled with disgusting, greedy, money hungry people with zero regard for anyone but themselves. In other words it's like many other parts of Alaska. The bullshit view that tourists get when they visit is just a pipe dream that never really existed to begin with. This has been the history of Alaska and will be until mother nature reclaims it from those that do not truly appreciate it's beauty. No wonder the natives are still hostile towards whitey.
  10. KirkW

    name change

    I was thinking nailed to your forehead...but whatever works for ya. Actually wasn't making a comment about what others should do, just decided to stop being anonymous on this site. hmmm, kirkW is anonymous dork. Really Pink? Dork? That's the best you can come up with? Weak! Yes Sobo, you are correct. I am no longer a melange dealer.
  11. KirkW

    name change

    I was thinking nailed to your forehead...but whatever works for ya. Actually wasn't making a comment about what others should do, just decided to stop being anonymous on this site.
  12. KirkW

    name change

    All I did was ask nicely and within minutes it was done. Thanks Jon. No longer an anonymous coward.
  13. You don't need 7/16". 1/2 should work just fine. All of my hooks are slung with 1/2 inch and I've never had a problem. http://www.backcountrygear.com/catalog/climbdetail.cfm/ABC100 There should not be any knot on the inside of the hook. The biner keeps the loop from pulling out and the knot is plenty strong for the forces you should be putting on a hook. If you fall on a hook you will discover that the webbing is not the fail point... Don't do this. Bad form, kinda scary and real stupid. Not sure I'm seeing how a knot will be out of the way but just the thickness of the webbing is too much. Maybe your pics will clear it up for this idiot.
  14. I have all of my hooks threaded with the knot being on the outside. If it's under the hook it get's in the way. The same problem your having with the larger sized webbing. I think this is what W meant to say because I can't see it working the other way around?
  15. KirkW

    Steep Snow

    I seem to recall that the FA party on the south face of Siula Grande aided a 20m? pitch on an overhanging cornice off two leapfrogged pickets. Ya got a link? I'd love to read about that.
  16. http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/587013/ ???????
  17. Yes I've climbed there. I've got the FFA for every single line in that picture and I'm currently working on a guidebook to the entire area (which I have named coolack) which will make me rich and famous. I'm not telling anyone about it though 'cause it's a fragile alpine environment and even though I've been pounding pins into blank faces out there I'm calling it a clean climbing only crag and no one else is allowed to do anything out there without talking with me first and I'll give 'em the super duper secret beta on the place. How could you be so rude as to out this ultra-top-secret-oregon-cutting edge-trad only-new mecca of climbing? I wanted to be the first to spray about it on the interwebs. You must be out to get me.
  18. If yer in southern Oregon and you want a long snow slog, Mt. Bailey is what you're looking for. Don't know how far up the road you'll get but it'll be a guaranteed adventure. Wouldn't think avy would be a concern at all on the s side trail, but I haven't been up there in full on winter conditions. I know huge slides are common on the east face but if you stick to the trail(ish) and then the ridge you wouldn't ever have to cross exposed terrain. Use your own judgment of course and be prepared for some solitude. One of the most kick ass views in the cascades IMHO. A whole bunch of new snow on that route will make it look much harder than it really is. Have fun. I would avoid Shasta this weekend if the forecast you posted turns out to be accurate. Shasta is a damn big mountain and with that much fresh snow, there will be no easy way up to 14,162ft until someone puts the boot pack in. I'm not sure heading up a route with Avalanche in its name right after the first major storm of the season is a rational thing to do either. In the end it's you that has to make the call. Like water said...listen to your gut, you'll live longer in the mountains.
  19. Nothing. Nothing at all. You're just some asshole on the internet that I've never met. You come off as a complete douche bag in most of your posts but that doesn't really bother me. Lots of douche bags on this site. Take me for example. Total noob just figuring things out and every once in a while I voice my opinion. Whatever. Take it or leave it. What I really don't like to see is the mods on this site banning people for you when you piss and moan because someone calls you fucking retarded for posting a video of yourself doing something stupid. You fly your stupid flag trying to get people to pay attention to you and when you get honest feedback that you don't like because it hurts your feelings you whine for someone to make it all better. Not really a big deal but it's changed my opinion about this site and what it's good for. Take it or leave it, but I'm pretty sure I'm done feeding your need to be the center of attention. I heard somewhere about this ignore user function?
  20. I don't even remember and either Peter P or Offwhite deleted some of the comments, split the thread and put half of it in Spray and left the other half on the rock climbing board. Here's a taste. http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/985301/4 http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/985669/2 I guess they didn't like me pointing out their obviously preferential treatment for summitdoucher.
  21. Dear moderators, Please change my username from Atreides to KirkW. People are making fun of my name it's really hurting my feelings. Please make this change, delete all posts that hurt my feelings and ban the perpetrators of these misdeeds against me for at least 24 hrs. Thanks!
  22. Everything you say here makes perfect sense to me. Which has left me curious as to why I was banned for criticizing the very douche that this thread is concerning, while he is allowed to piss all over the forums and the mods seem to let him get away with posting anything? Don't want to use the words fucking hypocrites or anything but...
  23. holy shit, speaking of gods, they dared to fuck w/ maud'dib?!? Ya know...he who controls the spice...and all that. They're out to get me.
  24. You can now expect to be banned from this site for 24 hrs like I was for questioning the cc gods. Apparently, the poster you speak of, must have pics of Offwhite and Peter P in bed with a 12 year old (boy). They certainly seem to treat him with favor.
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