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Everything posted by KirkW

  1. Fox??!!! These are the same guys that reported a C-130 was dropping SAR personnel on the summit. A new twist on heli-skiing? My point exactly. I wouldn't believe anything reported by these warmongering, sensationalist, assholes unless it was verified by at least two other sources. Fox news is not news...its entertainment.
  2. Fox news? You mean Faux news? The same people who are well known for sensationalism and shoot first and ask questions later reporting? How about we stick with the facts and not play into this media circus that they are propogating. I hope the report turns out to be true but coming from faux news I would doubt that it ends up being accurate in the end.
  3. And this info comes from...?
  4. right...thanks for recapping what I just said. At least that's what I was trying to say. Or did you miss the point of my post entirely?
  5. I can tell by your post that you mean absolutely no disrespect towards these three stranded climbers and your intentions are good so I'm sorry if you feel that I'm flaming you...but I feel compelled to point out to you and several other people that I have heard on this board, that refering to these men as hikers, is really underestimating their abilities and what they were prepared to deal with. I know that many think it is pretentious to care about what you are called but I think that we owe them the respect of calling them climbers and moutaineers. Hiking is something I do on the weekends with my girlfriend. Hiking is somthing that I do on a trail or trail system. Hiking is something that I can sometimes do with little more than a water bottle and a pair of sneakers. THERE ARE NO HIKING ROUTES TO THE SUMMIT OF MOUNT HOOD! (despite what you may hear from many people) Refering to these 3 as lost or stranded hikers is showing them and what they are doing a great deal of disrespect in some peoples minds. I am very new to mountaineering so I don't mean to preach and perhaps most mountaineers don't care what you call them unless it's late for dinner but I can't help but cringe every time I read or hear a reporter referring to them as hikers. I have an immense ammount of respect for people who climb mountains and do it safely. These 3 seemed as well prepared as they could have been and it would seem that their chances of walking away from this very soon are very good indeed. Every good vibe I can muster at a time like this is going out to the stranded and possibly injured climbers, their family and friends, and everyone involved in the rescue effort. I'm looking forward to reading the book about all this when they get together and write it. Anyone know which one of the three is the better writer?
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