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Everything posted by Kat_Roslyn

  1. That study has a bunch of numbers, my little girl brain doesn't understand math and machines. All I care about is creating life and flowers and baking.
  2. I lived in Morelia, MX for awhile and when walking down the street, or waiting for the bus, men would always yell 'guerra!' at me. Same as here, when waiting for the bus, I get honked at or some crap, but not even as close as often as being called geurra.
  3. If you consider Winston Churchill "cute".
  4. Kevino, Minx is absolutely correct. Tell Dr. Wagner to shove it and quit making his students do all of his work when he doesn't even teach right now. He is off having fun, I suggest you do the same.
  6. Okay, the usual. Instant oatmeal with instant coffee mixed in. I need a ride from Seattle to Roslyn on Saturday, anyone going?
  7. Yeah RogerJ, Have you even tested your hypothesis yet? You wouldn't want me to test mine, because that would mean that robots R IN MY HEADS CONTROLLIN URS BRAINZ! OOH NOOS!
  8. That looks AWESOME Tazz and Dmarch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You guys rock!!!
  9. No. Wrong. Simple conclusion. Though dinobots have titanium sheathed skin, robots have lasers the titanium does not stand a chance. And robots have an advantage over hunting for their prey, they see with heat sensors, and noone or nothing can hide from them!
  10. If you don't know, or don't care to, then you shouldn't ask.
  11. No. Unicorns are cooler. This is the ultimate killing scale: Robots > Dinosuars > Unicorns Jackalopes do not even exist in the killing scale.
  12. I'll do anything if you gimme crack. hey baby, wanna go on a date?
  13. I'll go with you. Pick me up. I don't care where we go.
  14. Please PM me if you see worms on a glacier North of Overcoat. Thanks, Kat BTW, is he talking about overcoat in Alpine Lakes?
  15. Do you go to Central? I was on my sixth year of school there.
  16. I'll go, I get out of class at 11:40.
  17. Colleges with exercise science programs usually do free exams, hydro fat testing too. Check it out online.
  18. Yeah your back will bother you cycling on regular bikes if you are too damn lazy to work your core and strech every once and a while. Recumbants are for couch potatoes, I am surprised they haven't started building them with cup holders for the 32 oz. soda cup and a tray for your burger and fries. Hey now. You being so critcal is mean. I won't make fun of them anymore now that I know some people really cannot ride a regular bike. No matter how "strong" their core is. My cousin got kicked in the privates playing soccer and had to have surgery years later, if he rides a reg. bike the scar tissue will build up and he won't be able to pee. He lives in San Fran, and a bike is really the only way he can get around. For me, I haven't even tried riding a bike yet, only recumbant at the gym. 1)I am scared to fall and break my hip. 2) I cannot sit well with pressure on my sacrum. If I am not able to ride a bike, recumbant will probably be an alright alternative.
  19. so true. but at least you don't hear any whining about being thirsty Ullinator does not whine. He just does what needs to be done. And, he "climbed his nuts off" and peed on my head.
  20. Can anyone go climbing tomorrow? I live in West Seattle. I do not have a car. I have gas money and heart.
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