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Everything posted by Kat_Roslyn

  1. Maybe you'd get a date if you weren't so ugly and had a better personality and maybe more money, a cooler car, a good job and more free time.
  2. I just watched Jamin's youtube where he threw rocks and killed a rattlesnake for no reason. Jamin, I used to study rattlesnakes. I take extreme offense to this. You are an idiot. I hope it comes back around to you. By reading your prior reports I know you are a huge dumbfuck and make stupid decisions, you probably will die pretty soon anyway.
  3. Kat_Roslyn

    where should I

    White Center: Not so white, not so center.
  4. Did you say Donuts? Just livin the dream the only way they know how.
  5. What do you win??? I went from 104 to 124!!!!!!!! hahahaahahaha, losers! I win!!!
  6. I didn't have my hip replaced but. . Go swimming. It feels awesome, it is not stressful on the joints. That is probably the best exercise I've experieced. Work your core alot too. You defintly need to go to a PT. They will probably be giving you alot of band exercises. This is the PT I've gone to. Olympic Physical Therapy in Seattle . Next week I am starting at Real Rehab in Seattle too. I am now working on pain management and getting my stamina back.
  7. What are you up to this weekend? Give me a call on my telephone.
  8. I heard about it while I was up there, but also heard he was walking out fine, so we figured he was okay. If 3 pieces come out on a fall though, probably user error. Glad he was walking out.
  9. Kat_Roslyn

    Other talents?

    No, you may not fertilize my eggs.
  10. Kat_Roslyn

    Other talents?

    I can lay an egg.
  11. Haha! You are Crazy Muzungo!
  12. Kat_Roslyn

    Other talents?

    Being Kick Ass.
  13. There's somethin you don know bout me Oly climber. I smoke Rawk.
  14. Actually, it's not. I was just talking with my ecology professor about that.
  15. Try a bike next time going up that road, then you can just do Habrich on a nice day. Do you do anything else while in Squamish?
  16. I think that this study is probably true in a lot of cases, but this is because young girls change their ideals from learning. They start to have maternal thoughts of children and emotional attachment to partners. Therefore they neglect high learning for their natural development of nurturing. In general though I think women are equal to men, but in different roles. Darrell Beck, Jacksonville, Florida
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