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Everything posted by Choada_Boy

  1. [video:youtube]
  2. GOP hopeful is the favorite of white supremacists and anti-Semites.
  3. This pretty much sums it up, just ask layton: [video:youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6M17aG_Po2Y
  5. Sweetness!! I seem to remember Schmidt only climbing part of the route, if he posted a TR here.
  6. Douche In = Douche Out Glad we could help!
  7. Choada_Boy


    Now he can die in peace?
  8. I haven't climbed it either, but I felt that I should post to this very important thread.
  9. I find that talking about what type of guns I have, threatening people with gun violence, using gender preference as an insult, and calling someone a sheep fucking douche nozzle is the best way to handle things. Also, smoking crack and hailing Satan are helpful.
  10. Having skied Thermogenesis under a full moon on New Year Eve a few years back, I can't tell you how much fun it is.
  11. My house came equipped with a 7 foot high L-shaped stone wall in my back yard that has about 200 square feet of climbing. If I climb it 450 times in less than 24 hours, that's equivalent to climbing and down climbing the Nose in a day.
  12. Perhaps turning it into another "Heavy Drinking Holiday" would bring it up close to Halloween's stature.
  13. Hey Mike: There's an app out there called "Grindr" that will probably help you find what you're looking for.
  14. No wonder my Kool-Aid suicide attempt failed. Having said that, this is a pretty tasteless thread. If only there were a way to augment the flavor...
  15. I saw Pelican in September. They're good.
  16. Bill looks for "cracks" he can "ass jam".
  17. Choada_Boy

    Ron Paul

    Kevbone for Dumbass
  18. Choada_Boy

    Ron Paul

    Paul/LaRouche 2012! Right Kevbone??
  19. Starting to look like the chaos scenes at the beginning of "28 Days Later".
  20. [video:youtube]
  21. Don't forget, he was on the cover of Alpinist powering up a sick FA at Index:
  22. I'm pretty sure it's an over-use injury from playing guitar. Left arm. Pretty much sore all the time. If I raise my arm up with it at a 90deg angle (like signalling a right turn on a bike) and bring my forearm forward and down I get an audible "pop" and increasing pain. Any suggestions for therapy, other then rest, Ice, and limited NSAIDs? Thanks for the help, -J
  23. The 2x mini tax seems popular, but what about the teeth on the cam?
  24. Choada_Boy


    That mescaline is a hard ride. An infinity of astral travels while sitting silently in a chair. Tough to find the way back.
  25. Should I vote for the Rapist or the Jesus Freak?
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