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Everything posted by Choada_Boy

  1. Bad business for her drug dealers. Kids! Stay off the white powders!!
  2. Nah, just a personal accounting of some friends that have died and how they passed. The most tragic was my friend who died mountain biking. He left a wife and an 11-year-old son behind. He was also my age, which was a real eye-opener at the time. It fully revealed to me as an adult the true impermanence of existence and the need to stretch every moment for all it's worth. Prior to that I was still working under the assumption that I was an immortal youth and I hadn't yet fully processed the interconnectedness of life and death on a personal level.
  3. 4 Suicides 1 Water Skiing Accident 1 Mountain Biking Accident 1 Car Accident 0 Climbing Accidents
  4. Increasing your kinetic and/or gravitational potential energy is dangerous. Enough said.
  5. Choada_Boy

    Gay Marriage

    Can I marry a black guy now? Does that make Jesus cry even harder? Ideally, I'd get him pregnant and abort the baby, for extra heresy. The black guy's baby, not baby Jesus.
  6. Here's a summary: [video:youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLR3CgeUeyc
  7. How good would those bolts be after 40 years?
  8. I would have had nothing untoward to say if he hadn't of come off like such a prick...
  9. How Long Does It Take For Mitt To Earn Your Salary Calculator
  10. Not quite to that level yet, I'm thinking "demo tape" quality for now, so that I can start getting music out to promoters and get on stage. The living room is getting old. Also, I'd like to have better quality noise for Soundcloud.
  11. I need to start recording myself playing, beyond using an iPhone or the shitty microphone on my laptop. I'd like to record straight into my laptop for now and mix using Cubase or whatever. How do you record yourself?
  12. I have that effect on people.
  13. Pretty easy to talk shit about a route you've never done. Cho Oyu Deaths
  14. He's deaf enough. "HUH?? WHA???"
  15. I'm sure it's that easy, but I can't find your TR or your pics in your gallery. When did you summit your first 8000m peak?
  16. Yes. Hendrix was God. No one has mentioned Buckethead yet. Not the "best", but a mad skill set for sure, lots of variety and technique in spades, very inventive. [video:youtube]
  17. Batio's shredding puts him in the circus freak category with the rest of his kind. "Step Right Up! See the Bearded Lady! Watch the Siamese Strongmen! Listen to the World's Fastest Shredder! All real! All Alive!" Pretty boring after a while. Having said that: [video:youtube]
  18. ...and The Metal descended from the heavens... [video:youtube]
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