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Everything posted by Choada_Boy

  1. isn't calling old boy "easy" already losing you yer challenge? Your thinly veiled allusion to the film "Old Boy" can only imply that Bone is a product of incest.
  2. This is a personal insult. You lose your own challenge.
  3. WTF!!!??? You can't be serious that someone can actually play that thing... Epic Shredder Michael Angelo Batio: [video:youtube]
  4. The force on the anchors approaches infinity as the angle between them approaches 180deg.
  5. I will defeat you with pure Metal: [video:youtube]
  6. This thread is about guitars, not how to use a computer: [video:youtube]
  7. Moron Prince is getting all third person singular talking about his training video...
  8. I played for 20 minutes yesterday without crippling shoulder pain for the first time in two months. Bone: Have you found Soundcloud yet?
  9. It might make sense to carry a modestly sized radio antenna in case something happens due to lack of innate intelligence and inadequate pre-trip book and Interweb trolling experience acquisition. Has anyone climbed with such a device? I know the answer already, but I'm just asking to see what the answer is.
  10. Not everyone does it, because of what happened to you. Get well.
  11. I'm on a waiting list for one of these: Musicom Lab EFX MKIII Pedalboard Controller
  12. Isn't there an article Urubko in the new Alpinist? I think I caught a glimpse of it during my morning constitution, as it showed up in my mail yesterday. He's got the sickness, for sure. His Cho Oyo new route was in AAJ a few years back.
  13. More Balls and Sickness: Nanga Parbat Winter Expedition
  14. I'm assuming they won't be using bottled oxygen. Pretty badass goal, they have some impressive prior ascents, I'm reminded of the Big Wall project from a few years back.
  15. Moron Prince is looking to become a statistic. "Internet Troll Dies on Summit of Mount Rainier: A Case Study in Stupidity"
  16. Damn. I knew it was too good to be possible.
  17. Here's some Porn... The Stack: Pedalboard v2.0. Still "Tier I", Tier II coming soon
  18. "Oh My God, who's going to do something?"
  19. I can get all the experience I need by reading a book and trolling the Interwebs. Just my opinion.
  20. "We don't need them in our face 24/7"
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