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Everything posted by Choada_Boy

  1. I would like to see the admin that locks a thread down add a final post to the thread as the "last words" from the almighty. Otherwise I lack a sense of closure...
  2. +1 on equalizing furniture legs and stuff around the house. It may sound dumb but it was a great way for me as a noob to get the hang of things before I had a rack. Once I got some gear, I spent a lot of time at the base of crags fiddling in nuts and setting up anchors. Pick a spot and set something up. Analyze, break it down, pick a new, more challenging spot, and repeat. Great way to internalize the mechanics before you get on the sharp end.
  3. Sickness.
  4. I would bet on a fair bit of fresh snow based on the weather we've been having out here the last few days. There was snow on the foothills yesterday morning. Probably didn't get warm enough up there to melt too much out, but I haven't seen the mountain in a few days.
  5. Gone are the days of pounding down an entire bottle of Orange Jubilee before heading off to the Frat party. The hash brownies and ephedrine also added to the fun. Me what brain cells?
  6. Choada_Boy

    never mind

    Once upon a time, at a gear shop far away, Layton refused to sell a woman a pair of climbing shoes that she was going to use for walking around in. True story!!
  7. This one always works for me: The anchor end is the green sling on the right.
  8. I was up there this weekend and they have started to remove most of the large trees off of the Chief in preparation for the tram:
  9. Really? So I can think it is "cool" and "right" and "important" to take a TV and smash it on top of someone's head 50 feet below the top of OUR crag and you're OK with that because I am entitled to my own "sensibilities"? I read this as apologia for the scumbags that do this type of crap. It's completely unacceptable by any standard, I don't give a fuck how shitty a job someone's parents did in not teaching them the difference between right and wrong.
  10. Homo Homini Lupus
  11. Ok how would you react if somebody(s) murdered your entire family, with the exception of a son, and someone posts that as a response???? If my son were Jesus and you killed him too, I'd feel pretty good about it. I hope you find this comforting in your time of need, spraying on as you are about this shit that happened a world away.
  12. Rainier Summit Flash Mob!!! Yay!!!
  13. The Twin Sistometers and the Baker Horne were utterly plastered on my ride to work this morning. Expect massive quantities of snow.
  14. The lady that makes this film The end of America seems to agree. Pretty interesting how she compares America to Nazi Germany, the similarities are quite striking if the content is true, which certainly appears to be the case. Wake up merica, your "freedom" is goin down! Yes. Contemporary America is the same as Nazi Germany.
  15. "Slow Slorry!"
  16. Choada_Boy

    No more oil

    You'd have to be a "true activist" to understand. Unlike all the faux activists out there.
  17. Another excellent question from Marmot Prince.
  18. Knee jerk reaction to the accident: 1) Underestimated the risk. 2) Overestimated ability to mediate the risk. Definitely a sad deal for everyone involved and I feel it to be important to reiterate the point that "experience breeds complacency". These are dangerous pastimes. Don't forget the basics.
  19. Nicely done! Sounds good! What's your recording setup? Are you using Firewire? I've just started trying USB out from my mixer to Audacity on my MacBook Pro, but it sounds like I'm in a can. Trying to get a copy of Logic Pro to try that out and see if I can get some quality results.
  20. Have you tried Soundcloud ? Pretty easy, free basic account.
  21. What? Create a new user profile so I can post my YouTube video? No. I'd like to know which Anasazi assholes carved the giant smiley face in the rock wall next to the arch.
  22. Total Odds of Dying
  23. On it's way: Tier II pedalboard construction begins...
  24. "I would rather be ashes than dust! I would rather that my spark should burn out in a brilliant blaze than it should be stifled by dry-rot. I would rather be a superb meteor, every atom of me in magnificent glow, than a sleepy and permanent planet. The function of man is to live, not to exist. I shall not waste my days trying to prolong them. I shall use my time."
  25. a.k.a Donorcycles a.k.a. Suicycles
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