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About rettro96

  • Birthday 10/11/1977

rettro96's Achievements


Gumby (1/14)



  1. I found my shoes in a pile of gear from last trip. I can't seem to delete my post. thanks. Hi, I seem to have lost a pair of size 48ish Red Chile climbing shoes. I believe I left them in the parking lot or near Another Buttress. Please let me know if you find them. Thanks, Rhett
  2. Thanks for the tips. Yes my focus is really on ropecraft rather than setting of pro.
  3. Hi, I am looking for any ideas for practicing building climbing anchors at home. I thought I may be able to build something with a peg board or piece of plywood to practice knots, equalization, and rigging different pro. Any ideas? Pictures? etc. Thanks
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