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Everything posted by Choada_Boy

  1. Road's closed, so bring a bike for the beat down approach. Early season snow, and not much, may hide some crevasse hazards. It looked nice and white from Goat Mountain last Saturday...
  2. Do you mean this?
  3. This TR seems to lack the typically shitty "butt shot" photo of the leader for some reason. Huh... I also know how it feels to be denied my preferred climbing attire:
  4. Hi Jenny! IMHO, perhaps it is not a good idea to put your personal info up on the Interwebs? Not everyone has good intentions and a phone number and email addy can go a long way towards having your life fucked with. Just sayin'... Best Wishes, -J
  5. [video:youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_UXC3uN_Rg
  6. The velocity of a massive object cannot exceed the speed of light, as put forth by A. Einstein in his special theory of relativity. Light itself cannot have infinite velocity.
  7. Sigh...this is a bar graph of comparative yield, not the size of mushroom clouds. If that were the case, the Tsar Bomba mushroom cloud would have been 150,000,000 feet tall, according to Popular Science.
  8. What makes Castle Bravo interesting, for me, is that it ran away beyond their expectations. They had incorrectly measured the neutron cross section of Lithium-7, which led to the in situ creation of additional tritium and an increased neutron flux. BOOM!!!
  9. Ivy Mike: YAWN! Castle Bravo was THE BOMB!! [video:youtube]
  10. Choada_Boy

    Gun Control

    Can I get a Nobel Prize in Internet?
  11. Choada_Boy

    Gun Control

    I notice Yellowblab's gotten quiet... Here's another story on the murdered sniper: Died After Years in a Dangerous Place
  12. Choada_Boy

    Gun Control

    Here's one of today's gun violence death stories, which provides a case study that completely negates all of Yellowplabs arguments: Ex-Navy SEAL Sniper with 150+ Kills Murdered at Texas Firing Range It would be ironic if it wasn't so tragic.
  13. Choada_Boy

    Gun Control

    I am going to get a gun so I can get myself out of speeding tickets. Right YellowLAAAAAABEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA????????? Ever watch that "Alaska State Troopers" (a.k.a. "Most Fucked Up State In America") show? Your logic put to work. Cops don't like people with guns. They scare them.
  14. Choada_Boy

    Gun Control

    Wrong. Getting rid of guns will get rid of gun violence. Your other examples are also invalid in this discussion. The US is not going through a crisis in terrorist bombings or knife attack massacres. The US is going through a crisis in gun violence. The only solution is to restrict access to guns.
  15. Choada_Boy

    Gun Control

    He didn't use a knife. He murdered the guy, in front of a bus full of kids, with a gun. Isn't that awesome, gun guy? Your logical fallacy is: gun = any other weapon. "This deranged lunatic would have simply used [any other weapon] if he didn't have a gun." But he had a gun. Your logic is flawed.
  16. Choada_Boy

    Gun Control

    Hey, how 'bout that guy in Alabama that shot and killed a school bus driver in front of a busload of kids then kidnapped a kid with disabilities and is now holed up in an underground apocalypse shelter? Pretty cool that the Second Amendment gives this fuckhead lunatic the right to bear arms, huh?
  17. Raise your hand if "Extreme Alpinism" was an influential book in your development as a climber.
  18. Is climbing to high camp with a plastic bag tied over my head then taking it off for the summit push cheating as well?
  19. "The first successful ascent of the Kangshung Face was made in 1983 by an American expedition led by James D. Morrissay. After five and a half weeks of effort, Kim Momb, Carlos Buhler, and Louis Reichardt summited on 8 October, 1983. George Lowe, Dan Reid and Jay Cassell summited the next day."
  20. Wasn't it Washington climbers that were using a winch on the E. Face of Everest? Style setting standard there... On the same climb: "I think we could have done it without [bottled oxygen]...we made a conscious decision to use it in terms of safety." -George Lowe
  21. Hi There! I am looking for suggestions for an "AT Starter Kit" to replace the system I'm using now, which consists of Silvretta Carbon bindings on a shitty pair of Elans, my Scarpa climbing boots, and a home-crafted upper-calf strap system that connects to near the tips of my skis. I want to use the bindings on a more modern pair of skis and get a pair of AT boots. Something good for approaches, in the woods, boots that climb moderately well, and will ski reasonably well with a moderate pack. Weight, of course, should approach zero. There are so many options out there it is bewildering. What works for you?
  22. Watch Zeitgeist. Then you'll know the truth...
  23. Choada_Boy

    Gun Control

    The only real solution is mandatory gun ownership.
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