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Everything posted by Choada_Boy

  1. I'd try and explain how it all works, but you'd never understand, so why bother. It's like trying to teach a rock how to juggle.
  2. Agenda 21. It's all part of THE PLAN. Shhhh...not here...I've said too much already...
  3. I just learned that this is really all about Agenda 21. Look into it find the truth. I'd say more here now, but these are dangerous times. Trust no one. Except these guys: [video:youtube]
  4. Cliff Mass recently discussed this on his weather blog: Why are so many trees falling?
  5. The special anti-mass bombing regulations? Anyone with their head off of their desk in high school chemistry could build a pretty heinous bomb in short order. But why spend the time when you can just grab a gun? We also don't a have mass bombing bomb industry, and mass bombing video games where you mass bomb things, and movies where the hero mass bombs a bunch of shit while you eat popcorn. Mass bombs are impersonal unless they blast the hero as well. How am I supposed to get my vicarious first person righteous kill?
  6. Yes. It was comforting to see that only two children were murdered on Christmas Day.
  7. Here's another fun fact! Gun Death Tally Since Sandy Hook Problem? What problem?
  8. I am from Montana. Come down and debate with the locals. Don't come unarmed. Now that I'm off Banination for my poo-poo mouth: My favorite post! Come armed to the debate about gun control because the people with the guns will kill you with their guns! Awesome! I guess the people from Montana are "psycho-puke-fuckheaded retard".
  9. I fully support background checks so the mentally ill, such as yourself, are not permitted to own these. Funny thing! I've passed a background check!!
  10. Thank God, you don't own one of those! I am going to buy one. Feel safe now?
  11. ..because I absolutely, positively, have to own one of these: ...the murder weapon in question. Ideal for hunting and home defense. Otherwise, my rights as a 'Merican citizen are being trampled. Please: give me a fucking break.
  12. Thank you for allowing me to post to this important thread.
  13. True iconoclasts like The Bone are never understood in their own time. Kevbone's ideas will not gain full acceptance for hundreds of years, until after the fall, when the Cult of Bone becomes the one true path to knowledge, in a far off post-apocalyptic wasteland, where people are ever dumber than they are now. Did you know that the frequency of electricity in home wiring is designed to absorb alpha wave signals from your brain and transmit them to the government?
  14. Ah yes, the boring world of using your brain. I can see why you don't.
  15. 5 minutes of video. A lifetime of stupidity and willful ignorance. Conspiracy?? I heard that OBL died from a FLU VACCINATION!!! TRUE FACT!!
  16. I don't know. Awfully cold today. CLIMATE CHANGE IS A HOAX!!
  17. Anthropogenic Climate Change: Real? Or are you a fucking idiot?
  19. Did you know that the spice CAUSES AUTISM?????
  20. Kevino: You're good. I forgot to hit the satire button. For the rest of you dipshits: OMG!! The Internets peoples are making fun of me! OMG!!
  21. Gosh, just think how intellectual America could be with less of them and more like you. I agree. Jacque Ellul's The Technological Society is proving to be a better read than I expected, for example. I don't typically go in for straight philosophical texts, and especially after coming straight off of a back-to-back reread of Richard Rhodes' The Making of the Atomic Bomb and Dark Sun: The Making of the Hydrogen Bomb. I was tempted to re-read Dune before I bit into something heavy again. Or perhaps Miyamoto Musashi's A Book of Five Rings, another favorite light read. I am also currently using a retired aerospace engineer friend's Schaum's Outline of Differential and Intergal Calculus, circa 1964, to relearn what I've forgotten since I earned my B.S. in Industrial Chemistry, with a minor in Technology (back in my pre-Master's days). Most American's have a 7th or 8th grade literacy level. Most American's can't do calculus for fun. If more of them were like me, as you suggest, this thread would not exist. Dumbfuck.
  22. Hey kevino, if that research were true, then why are you only posting the ABSTRACTS? Why are you hiding from the TRUTH??? This really is a sad commentary on the stupidity and ignorance of the general public. I'd like to thank the religious right and Republicans for the dumbing down of the American intellect during the last decade or so. "Let's replace science with faith!" Great idea!!! Now I can believe in magic! And the flawed thesis that vaccines cause autism! And that Bigfoot is an alien! Or any other stupid piece of shit idea that comes into my mind!!
  23. One of my aunts was a dentist during this time. She ended up in a mental home and died 20 years younger than her other 6 siblings.[..] ...BECAUSE she was a dentist. ALL dentists of that era ended up in insane asylums BECAUSE of mercury.
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