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Everything posted by kevbone

  1. thanks everyone, Miles Logan Smith Evansen was born 10/15 at 10:19 am. With myself and Maggie's sister in tow in our house. Midwifes did not make it in time. Wow, what a great expirence. Better than any climb I have ever done. Miles is healthy and currently learning to latch on. All is well. Lil bone is hear.
  2. you see Lamebone, Kevbone filled in for you quite nicely in your absence. come on Bill, there's only enough room in this town for one bone.
  3. I have to say Soundgarden is one of my favorite names for a band! I also like Scroto Baggins, they are a local Ptown favorite. Great name.
  4. Lambone, your name is alittle too close to mine. Get lost bitch...... Just kidding!
  5. Hey jens, nice story, great meeting you at the grasslands. I spoke with you and marylou, for quite a while on Friday night. Along with IVAN.
  6. I happened to be at another party but hung out with some CC.comers. Great LED frisby session. Nice to meet you Ivan, Marylou, Jens, and Mike Layton. I drank too much!
  7. kevbone


    Please to not talk about your ass here. Thank you.
  8. kevbone


    Lame thread with no comedy.
  9. Can you say retro without permission?
  10. All right, im sorry (realy have to switch to decaf). I personaly dont like to feel scarced while im climing. To me its ALL about having fun. Thats what I signed up for when Jim O took me up the corner over 10 years ago. And like I have stated. If I run it out and get hurt, then Im not climbing or having fun. Especially in a hospital bed. Just my thoughts.
  11. kevbone

    Yuppie ass holes

    What ever, what you failed to leave out was the conversation flyingpig was having with the others. They too were being just as offensive. Yet they are still here. Flyingpig was warned, he did not know that. You are full of it.
  12. JH, until you actually climb a route I put up. Shut up! I protected them how I saw fit. I get raving reviews on my bolting job. Anyone could climb anyone of my routes and run it out and make it R or X. That was not the point. The point was to put up climbs so I could climb them. I could give a fuck about anyone else. This is why some Sporto’s show up and complain about the runout. My response is. “Dude, it takes gear”, that’s why I did not place a bolt. If you like to run it out, go for it. No one is stopping you. But please to not comment or complain to me about my style!
  13. kevbone


    Im not going to get into it, because the entire thread got axed. FP kept using it because it frickin funny.
  14. kevbone


    You are not able to use my jokes, dude. What gives?
  15. I have soloed the south east corner at Beacon about 100 times. its 600 feet, 5.7. is that run out enough for you.
  16. Of course I would. I would be home terrorizing you from my computer.
  17. kevbone

    Yuppie ass holes

    now i like this shit for brains cunt. mr seegal is a hhhhoooot. Rednose used the C... word, im offended, will moderator please ban him?
  18. Im going to agree. The real trick with run outs is; are you going to get hurt? And if you get hurt. Will you climb again? If you don’t climb, then you will be asking yourself in the hospital bed. Why did I run it out?
  19. Why would I do that? So you can attack me and make fun of me? Stroke, stroke, stroke feel better?
  20. I bet you caught him on a hip belay right?
  21. Yeah, but do I want to step into Walmart and buy something there and support the beast? NO!
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