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Everything posted by kevbone

  1. You should go as a CC.comer. Just where a stupid hat and a computer around you neck. Wait... you do that anyway
  2. I cant wait to meet all of you! At smith!
  3. kevbone

    I'm right

    "not show up. Whimp!!!" Im torn as well, if I meet you, or any other CC.comer's, i will probably like you and then would feel bad flinging you shit. What to do.
  4. kevbone

    I'm right

    Im going. But not for CC.com party. Although I will be in the grasslands. Lurking around. I was there 2 years ago in the rain. Also for another party. Same party this time. B-day party. Down in the CC.com party, someone asked me “who do you post under”. My reply “I don’t”. That was before I became enlightened on CC.com. You? is my main goal.
  5. kevbone

    I'm right

    Who's going to smith this weekend?
  6. kevbone

    I'm right

    Your not one to talk, girly.
  7. kevbone

    I'm right

    AAAhhhh! Ive had too much coffee!!!!!!
  8. kevbone

    I'm right

    Type faster.
  9. kevbone

    I'm right

    Minx, this is your stupidest idea yet. Come on, get real. Say something funny. I have a need to laugh. Come on.
  10. kevbone

    Yuppie ass holes

    thats pretty vague bro. I could just say I take offense at everything, and your gone. But, thats the way the Cookie crumbles!
  11. kevbone

    Yuppie ass holes

    Rednose. You are new to the CC world, or at least your name is new; you only have a few posts under your belt. BE WARNED! This is a biased site. As soon as you get “marked”, then its turns to fun time. Flyingpig (a fellow banned buddy) got banned strictly because a moderator didn’t like him. Otherwise he would be here to fling you shit. You are posting and spraying a whole bunch of vulgar shit. Personally I don’t have a problem with it, but some moderator will. That’s how it works here. Matter of fact, this post I’m writing will probably be deleted within the hour. It’s a very republican run site. So keep up the good work. And keep fighting. See the rest of you at smith this weekend. Later bitches bone
  12. I have climbed Dragontail and did not rappel. Is there no snow to walk off?
  13. What ever you do, dont listen to this guy! Learn to climb trad with only nuts, and your nuts will get bigger! then learn cams, for any nutcase can place a yellow Camalot. But it takes a cool head to hang out and and throw in the right size nut.
  14. The circuit has a serious "scene". You should for sure where your beanie! That way, you won’t get as many stairs!
  15. What ever, Im a huge winner.
  16. kevbone

    What the F@#$@#$

    Glad I can be hear to make you laugh. Does it remind you of the last laugh you had. When you last looked at your dick.
  17. kevbone

    What the F@#$@#$

    Is the biggest joke I have heard in a while.
  18. What the hell are you talking about, you mean to say you made sense out of 13 pages of drivel? Please those of you just tuning in spare yourself, whinning about mean people of cc.land, being cheated, blowing, in Rome, sucking, swallowing, neutrinos going where they shouldn't go, bitches, props, extra milk, grammer, yo' mama, eating lead paint chip (btw it is bad for your health no matter how good they taste), Cobracommander not having a face, guy's pussy that hurt, Wham, a1phanum3r1c c0mb1nat10n5, oysters, flyingpig getting his ass bitch slap by his friends, Choada most excellent never seen before link on cccom, Dennis Brown, being the lesbian love child of Britney and Jessica, abusers controlling themselves, 8 Bugs TR's that we missed out on, MattP seeing both sides of the story, H3770 K1TTY d1551ng, nasal spray, chestbeatingFox-Self-loving-his-narcisistic-tool, Mischka, alpine bivying with Gary's hand (I imagine the rest of him was there, not that I want to imagine, fucking gross), Pete Doorish was Trask, nordic walking and Renton the best kept secret. Blah, blah, blah!!!
  19. kevbone

    What the F@#$@#$

    Are you blind, I think so? It was not the point it went south, here is a reality check. I am a marked man on this BS site. It’s extremely bias. That’s ok, I can take. As long as you can take it. Remember, its only entertainment.
  20. kevbone

    What the F@#$@#$

    What the hell the matter with the moderators around here? They chopped a perfectly good post that was in no way spray. Other than I was spraying about having been to Mallorca. I said nothing rude. Nor did the other. Yet Its was moved to spray, as if I started the frickin post. What the fuck. Cant you all just leave us CC.comers alone?
  21. Wow, sharma is strong. (is that better?) Just want to make sure, before a moderator comes along and mixes stuff up.
  22. I did not start this post in spray or any onther area. Someone is screwing around here. I simply added I have been to Mallorca. What gives.
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