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Everything posted by kevbone

  1. kevbone

    What the F@#$@#$

    Try to recall again, you make no sence!!!!
  2. kevbone

    Chillout Music

    Joe Pass, one the great jazz guitar player EVER. PS, jack johnson, blows
  3. kevbone

    What the F@#$@#$

    Youve got to be kidding right. Serious, went by by long ago with anything that has to do with CC.com, it is some good old entertainment.
  4. Wow, you met sharma, having fun name dropping are yuh! Dont get me started with who I have climbed with. You would be soooo impressed!!!!!
  5. Thankfully, so does your dad So does your mother! Arent you a mother? CJ yoooouuuurrrr llllllaaaaammmmeeeee.
  6. Thankfully, so does your dad So does your mother! Arent you a mother?
  7. Wow. Thanks for sharing. Because I'm sure that all of you are wondering: I have not been to Mallorca, but I for sure want to go and climb there. You are welcome, I enjoy sharing.
  8. I have been to Mallorca, I wish I climbed there. I did not even climb then, but I for sure want to go back.
  9. Anybody go climbing recently?
  10. kevbone

    What the F@#$@#$

  11. kevbone

    What the F@#$@#$

    I believe you are wrong on both counts there, Catbird. Those who have been given the silver chalice have neither been acquaintances of nor necessarily liked by those who grant the moderator status. Well, tell all, how did you get it?
  12. kevbone

    What the F@#$@#$

    How does one become a moderator? Do I have to spend a considerable amount of time here on this site? Do I have to apply in writing? Or by email? Maybe I just have to know the right people? I want to know how to have the magic sword to delete and ban who ever I feel is stepping over the line. Even if the line is gray! Anybody, anybody!
  13. SSSHHHH, people will find out about it!!!!!! They will end up learning where the third pitch belay is!
  14. Walking around on eggshells here! Crunch, crunch!
  15. Quiz: Now which amendment protects me when I voice my opinion about how kevbone is demonstrating the state of education in the US? Minx, smallshoes hurt my feeling. Will you ban him/her please?
  16. OH YEAH! I was climbing that day instead of sitting in class learning.
  17. Better watch out Hawk boy, your going to get banned! You said condom
  18. Yeah, I know that, it’s just a little biased. Others were just as rude. As long as you’re banning folks, I would hope you would ban all involved.
  19. Flying pig got locked out of this site. Is that fair? Others where just as rude. What happened to the Fifth Amendment? Guess it does not apply here!
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