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Everything posted by kevbone

  1. Who the hell is Mobutu Sese Seko?
  2. kevbone


    Do you play the guitar? I do!
  3. kevbone


    What do you do for a living? This is a serious question. Althought you will probably not give a serious answer! I will tell if you do.
  4. I cant stop!!!! Had to bring it back.
  5. Damn. All this 5.14 talk, there must be some serious hard men in the house. Folks are talking out there ass on this thread.
  6. kevbone


    You shit on a post then take a break. what???
  7. kevbone


    I guess this is where the addicts go. So Im here
  8. What are you high? Sharma is about 6 feet and built like crazy. Tiny is Lynn hill. 5.1 100 pounds.
  9. No not billions, but for sure millions. She makes $850,000 a year and the new EE’s make $7.50 an hour (if there lucky). Rei has no debt and has about $150,000,000 sitting in the bank to play with; this is because the starting pay there is $7.50 hr. Oh well. Good for Sally. I have met her and she is one of the smartest people I have ever met. Much better than Dennis. Dennis was way to cocky!
  10. Once again. why is this not in spray? I have yet to see any talk about climbing. Do I need to remind you all of the CC.com definition? “ If it's not climbing related this is where you post it.
  11. I cant stop. must keep posting. even when I get home!!!aaaarrrrhhhh!
  12. you say "our", sounds like you are alitte to connected to cc.com
  13. Goddamn you are Hard to Kill. You always make me laugh.
  14. Come on, you know I provide a valuable commodity here on CC.com. I provide entertainment. I will be your whipping boy, go ahead and make fun of me all you want. I don’t get offended. But, it’s not like you have to respond to what I say. If you do, well, you’re addicted, just like me!
  15. Well, my theory is has been proven. YOU ALL CANT HELP BUT POST (you know who you are).
  16. What ever Mr 9524 posts, ant that the pot calling the kettle black.
  17. Man, if that were true. You would be a scared silly person. You obviously can’t handle me. Or reading what I write. Turning down the volume knob when I say something that bothers you is something a republican would do! You’re not a republican are you?
  18. Its not that easy to just quit. I feel I have to lurk. Then I see some bullshit I have to respond to. Just like the rest of you. Then, the fun begins as everybody responds. So many different opinions. Maybe is great because I cant tell someone off and don’t say it to there face, watch. Dechristo, you’re a bitch. (At least your online persona is).
  19. Oh yeah. I forgot all about Dechisto crack. Definite ADDICT.
  20. Who hates cc.com, but is addicted to it? I know I am. I can’t just not post. Maybe I have this love/hate relationship. Probably because I’m a stupid jerk who cant get my point across with the written word! Or maybe everybody else can’t comprehend frickin reality. Anybody else an addict? Come on I know who is. OLY, Dru, Rumr, These are just some of the posting posers who cant NOT POST!
  21. Drive to copper spur ski area. Pass it until you get to the gate that goes up to cloud cap. Park. Walk/ski toward the gate and on the left you will see the trail. 2.5 miles or so and your at Tilly jane. Continue past, to the left (between tilly and the next building) and up through the trees. About half hour later you will hit the tree line. The hut is another half hour. Easy cheesy.
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