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Everything posted by kevbone

  1. I'm pretty sure your wife is a girl. CONGRATS, you're not gay after all Yes, she is a girl, and you met her and myself at the lucky lab last year after the WW slide show. we were doing this
  2. Contrats bro. My wife is due in 6 weeks. Don’t know the gender. Can’t wait for a good surprise.
  3. Baseball should be banned. Takes up to many tv channels.
  4. Climbed at Beacon, great weather. Did this climb called Riseup then toproped pipline (hard). Killer day.
  5. Why do you think I make so many posts? I think that is obvious, you’re a tool with way to much time on your hands.
  6. You just lumped chiropractors in with doctors. Thats funny.
  7. I'm incensed by that remark. Piss off bitch! Go run along and wipe minx's ass.
  8. Because I'm paid to sit here and it's better than 'work' Ant that the truth!
  9. The last couple of posts, make no sence!
  10. Believe it or not, I was trying to ask a serious question. Go ahead and rip me up for even using the word serious. Thanks Jayb for the response. I agree, to say you can’t use a hold within reach, is contrived. Or maybe if you purposefully bolt in such a way to make you climb in a certain direction, is also contrived. PS I would also say most of the wankers posting on this site are total losers, including me. Why else would you spend your time tearing apart someone else, and hiding behind your computer? Because you are losers, with no life.
  11. SS, how could I stay made at you. Every time you incorporate your glorious movies into the topic, I just have to laugh. Ha Ha. Your right, Im an corn, but I did not contrive the route!!!!
  12. What part of time to you not comprehend? We aren't talking relativity theory here dipshit. I'm the cynical drunk substitue asshole teacher at the back of the room spiking his bourbon with coffee And I’m the principle firing your ugly ass for being worthless. Your out of here!
  13. BWAAAHAHAHAHA Petty and childish, just like Cobra C.
  14. Now thats funny! and yes I should have.
  15. The bolt should go. But the harassment is petty and childish.
  16. You forgot the new kid insulting everyone to prove he's better than them. You mean you?
  17. Last I checked, witty does not necessarily mean funny. Proving you have your head up your ass and don't even know the meaning of the terms you are throwing around. All of which solidifies my original definition. Am I throwing definitions around? The only thing I am throwing around is your ass. Stevensegal, you are pussy with pink skirt. You know this to be true. Why else would you not be able to respond like an adult?
  18. I had a discussion with a fellow climber about a crack climb at the local crag a while ago. Whereas he tried to tell me I was not climbing the climb. There is a feature within reach for your foot. He was purposely not using the feature. I tried to tell him, if you don’t use it, you are contriving the climb. Hence, if you can reach it, it’s on. If you don’t climb the easiest way, once again you are contriving it.
  19. Any attempt you make at being witty. I would agree with this, if I was trying to be funny, but as you know, i am not funny. So would you agree with my definition?
  20. If anybody want to tackle this. In the context of climbing. I would say if you can reach it, it’s on. Correct? If you say climb this but don’t use this hold or that. That would be contrived???
  21. That would be great, collecting unemployment while licking paint. Cool. Then I could spend a lot more time on this site making fun of RuMR, Cobra, Steven S, and my favorite bitch, Minx. I love you all!!!!!!
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