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Everything posted by kevbone

  1. This topic should be in spray. This topic has nothing to do with climbing. Nothing at all.
  2. Why is this thread not in spray? By the definition giving by CC.com, this topic has nothing to do with climbing.
  3. The hut us small and could hold maybe 3 people sitting up. Not laying down. Tilly Jane is always open and could hold 30 or 40 folks. Bring a tent.
  4. kevbone

    Yuppie ass holes

    Ah the flyingpig, one of the greats and truly unappreciated, i miss the flyingpig
  5. kevbone

    got MILF?

    Sorry, but i could imagine your mother stripping for me.
  6. kevbone


    Only the proud few actually get threads named after them. I must be special.
  7. Dechristo, please take your penis out of your hand and stand up off the broomstick. You will feel better.
  8. If we go by this fucking stupid definition, then almost all the posts on all the treads are spray! There is so much shit that IS NOT CLIMBING RELATED on the “ticks thread” Better put is on its own thread! If you don’t, you’re a HUGE fucking hypocrite. I talking to you OFF WHITE. That is by your own definition.
  9. SC, you have been climbing for some time, and most likely are a much better climber than I, just like most the folks here. You know damn well what spray is! You don’t need me to define it for you. I’m not biting.
  10. Your right. I was only trying to get the point across that posting a list of great sends should be on Spray, because essentially, that’s what you are doing, Bragging about great sends. What ever, im out.
  11. If you keep a list of climbs you SEND, there is NOTHING wrong with this, there is NOTHING wrong with telling others either. But lets get it straight. ITS STILL SPRAY! You can sugar coat it with….”im inspired by others accomplishments”…. This is fine, and I for one and inspired. But is still bragging/spray. The moderators are full of it. The “best ticks of 06” is all about spray. Which, once again is not a bad thing. Whats is lame is my post being pulled off the biggest spay thread around and put on there own spray thread. This is bullshit and you know it. What ever, this is fine. I have not control over others. Am I truly the only one who see’s posting a list of “my best ticks” is not bragging/spray? Surly there are those out there who can see this? Posting this list is not a bad thing. Just, please call it how it is!!! Spray!!! Once again, truth usually hurts!
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