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Everything posted by underworld

  1. ...thread drift.... please allow yourself to bash..your..self.....
  2. wikipedia doesn't know what you're talking about.
  3. underworld

    martial art?

    what is the martial art (i'm guessing it is something formal, and that exists) is it that the black fox does in the movie 'oceans twelve' to get thru the room of lasers???? :battlecage:
  4. OMFG! thread drift happened
  5. no shit dude... i'm all for the trees. i even watered my one house plant last night.
  6. people are never pleased... - keep people in the city so there isn't sprawl - people in the city suck because they are destroying trees (in the city)
  7. the best size of bolt for basalt is the size having the most fun
  8. should people be heald accountable for wrongs - well, no shit...of course they should i think you're trying to ask if he's guilty. well, not yet do i like these groups going after people that are on 'our side' (yes, i believe we are the good guys) - no do i condone 'torture' - too subjective. we're never going to agree on what torture is. bring on the ass-clowns
  9. the best next climbing trip is the one having the most funds
  10. kaskdksashst = tvashektkas i mean really...look at the av's
  11. just cross your eyes and stare at it... i see a pirate ship and a whale
  12. why isn't the ACLU and the Germans going after the side that CELEBRATES abuses of the enemy?
  13. underworld

    Who said....

    a) G.W. Bush b) Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (btw..how the fq do you do polls w/ these days?)
  14. jeez, is there anyone who thinks the US is winning? You don't have to spin anything to tell the truth: The US isn't just losing, the US has LOST. Plain and simple. And now the right clutches at straws on their long ride down... I remember some at this site so in favor of the war, and how the noble US had brought "democracy" to Iraq; how silent they are now.... the point of my post is not whether or not we are winning...it was the blatant cherry pick of the article's author. like i said...at least other outlets covered their cherry-pickin ass by not contradicting their own headline. why couldn't the author use the headline "neither winning or losing in iraq" instead of "not winning..."
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