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Everything posted by DirtyHarry

  1. True dat. Taking the bus sucks. Interesting cultural experience every now and then though.
  2. No No. The WILDerness drill is neeeded to put the expansion bolts into the ceiling so Layton can suspend himself while the kitten goes to work.
  3. Ha Ha you guys obviously didn't do the climb 'cause its common knowledge chicks don't fart and couldn't possibly know anything about transmissions. Liar Liar.
  4. Connect 4 was such a sweet game
  5. No, but Layton told me he wanted to fondle my nuts while he has his housecat licking the tuna juice off his unit.
  6. There's lots of used and rebuilt auto parts stores on the interweb that would probably have a tranny for you, but obviously unless you're going to tackle it yourself labor cost might still make it cost prohibitive.
  7. You guys did a good job drinking beer and good job doing some climbering too. You sure drive some fancy cars.
  8. Me love you long time soldier boy
  9. Nice. That route is a kick in the pants. Freeing the enduro corner even on 2nd is pretty burly - nice job!
  10. That south side of Buckner has some cool shit - more relief than the north side. I remember checking it out when we were in there a couple winters ago. Looks like a fun climb.
  11. You guys do Freedom Writer too or just skip WA Pass completely?
  12. pics or Scurlock photo showing route would be cool.
  13. I've never seen any mountain lions around Seattle, but definitly lots of cougars. True story though, my buddy was hunting elk around the big hole in MT and at the end of the morning hunt he was tired and hungry. He was headed home empty handed when he heard some strange noises coming from a clump of aspens. He goes over there and there's a mountain lion that just backed off a fresh elk kill growling at him. My buddy takes out his hunting knife and cuts a hind 1/4 off the cougar's elk kill and runs away, with dinner!!
  14. That's cause Sky wasn't wearing his orange firehat brainbucket.
  15. Don't use plastic boots.
  16. Say what? The Ropeup IS Oktoberfest (and Easter, Christmas, Thanksgiving, and Boxing Day) rolled into one!
  17. The enduro corner and under the roof pitches on CBR are rated harder b/c they are almost always wet. There dry this year for some reason.
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