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Everything posted by Mal_Con

  1. I wish.
  2. Nordic pass is just south of Mt, Catherine between Hyak and Silver Peak above Olalee Meadows.
  3. Everything looked good but there is mostly only fluff with no real base. Silver bowl has some pretty big rocks and I do not think there is much more snow as you get higher. It was nice and untracked though. There were a few places where the snow sounded hollow though.
  4. Trip: Nordic Pass - Date: 11/30/2007 Trip Report: Made a quick trip today with Tele gear before the pineapples start dropping along with potential slides. Started at bottom of Silver Fir at Central and skinned up to Grand Junction. Took off skins and skied up to Nordic Pass 1-2' of fluff over dirt. Nice ride back got a few turns in on DH slopes.
  5. Mal_Con

    Good Sound Rocks

    I find the Bose stuff great for home theater small unobtrusive surround sound speakers all pretty well made. Needs a kick ass sub woofer for explosions. For music you can do well for less cost. I am old school enough to know that vinyl is only good for the first couple plays then the highs decline.
  6. Mal_Con


    Don't feel bad LAWYERS long ago learned this simple facto when they changed their degree from an LLB (bachelor of law) to a JD (Juris Doctor.
  7. Well when you are dealing with this breed Copper thief nabbed at snow crummy pass of master criminal it figures.
  8. Mal_Con

    Boulder, CO

    Hope they go for it
  9. Aw Jeez, left in PDX a fate worse than death.
  10. Mal_Con

    Sharia Law

    We are so fucked
  11. And that has relevance to what?
  12. Repoman I wouldn't look in that trunk if I were you.
  13. Mt. Erie cir. 1970 not counting McMahon raps.
  14. Mal_Con

    Into the Wild

    True of most young people especially Ayn Rand acolytes,except possibly the family part.
  15. EE Chem Physics background IP atty for Cupertino corp.
  16. Anyone have any guess of the chance of getting in some turns?
  17. Mal_Con


    Silver Klister
  18. WWIII, I will cover your back!
  19. Could elect a Dem. also as Colbert's gig is to act like Bill'O in an ironic manner. Most right wingers aren't bright enough to do irony and would vote for him especially if Rudy the godless New York baby killer were running.
  20. Reagan did more to prove the efficacy of terrorism in the mid east since the Stern Gang blew up the King David Hotel. Begining with selling out to the Iranians for the November surprise followed up with missiles so he could fund the contras. He then withdrew from Lebanon after a terrorist act, what a putz.
  21. Because his dad is head of the CIA and he will be president some day and you will have to take his place in Nam.
  22. Why do the Marines hate America?
  23. Mal_Con


    Not really, in 1944 every atom of the US was aimed toward the effort. Every home had a family member in the project. The existance of civilization was at stake. Now it is only a few cents off the cost of gas. Altertnatly, political freedom for sectarians who do not wish it except to suppress their brothers over differences that seem trivial to us. The shia agenda was obvious from the start, there are no surprises.
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