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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. Sports drinks can help too.
  2. Um, that's really uncool. If the salesperson is helpful and spends time with you, you should buck up the few extra $$ and buy them where you were helped, IMO.
  3. Where do the rangers get the stats? From when you return your permit (another guy in our party did that)? I almost never sign summit registers. I usually just chill and enjoy the views. We had 3/4 summit (one guy stayed at Schurman - he caught a flu bug).
  4. Yeah, those two came down the 'schrund right behind us. They were doing a great job.
  5. Terrorist.
  6. In the sound byte I heard he did not use the word dismissed - he said the person would be "taken care of". Certainly Rove has been "taken care of". As for "promises" from politicians, they are broken by all of them, including the lefties. This perceived "broken promise" is just like any other. This has nothing to do with what Carl Rove did, or what Bush promised, it's all about the same old incessant political attacks of the last four and half years by the losers who just can't seem to convince enough people to vote for them. This follows 8 years of the same but under a different party/administration.
  7. They do. They just didn't have an electable candidate. BTW, we're all chimps - remember "Darwin" and all?
  8. yeah right. the "other" side is always worse because you disagree with them, but the behavior from your side is "OK" because the ends justify the means. You should read your own post! Wrong. I've said nothing about Rove being a great guy, nor defending him. This is a typical political side-show with all the usual suspects playing their roles to a tee.
  9. yeah right. the "other" side is always worse because you disagree with them, but the behavior from your side is "OK" because the ends justify the means.
  10. And of course like many of your persuasion you still are angry about the "is" argument, but have no problem with using semantic arguments to defend unethical behavior in your party. Or is moral outrage reserved for crimes against groups other than the opposition? I've heard the original sound bite. The statement is ambiguous with lots of wiggle room - par for the course for any politician.
  11. The same can be said of any demo-lib argument on this forum or in the wider public at large.
  12. Yes, hmm, a blowjob by an intern or an illegal action by your top political advisor. I love it when you dumb fucks bring up Clinton every time Bush does something stupid. Get a new line jackass. Only a dumb fuck like you could defend parsing the word "is" and then act outraged over the semantics of "convicted".
  13. He doesn't open doors for his dates, and makes you buy his dinner. Haven't you learned your lesson?
  14. It depends what the definition of "is" is.
  15. sink the pink
  16. Rainier / Emmons route.
  17. Bullshit. They are only indistinguishable for morons in management and accounting (not to mention libertarian wonks) who assume all goods are fungible - a fallacy bred of ignorance. More sour grapes.
  18. ice screws or pickets? how many pieces did you need to place?
  19. I agree with you. I was on the Emmons last year w/ Stubais and did not have a warm and fuzzy feeling on the icy patches. In fact I bought steel crampons because of that, which I use for the big volcanos now.
  20. I was struck with total disbelief by a news report on the speculation around Rehnquist's resignation. As Rehnquist walked to his car, a reporter asked "is it true that you are considering retiring?". His answer "that's for me to know and you to find out". WTF!?!?! It's nice to see our Chief Justice has graduated from the Pee-Wee Herman school of debate.
  21. The last time I went up Muir, I got burned in the folds in my ear. Now I'm sure to rub lotion in every fold, in addition to the tops of my ears, up each nostri, and under my chin. The reflected sun finds every spot of exposed skin...
  22. Maybe because they're overpriced. Some people make their own with orange juice containers the price is so high. Recently is seems that the major brands are selling them with the crampons at a more reasonable add-on to the price. I just bought Grivel G-12's at Cascade Crags a few weeks back. I think the price was $155 with antibott plates and $!40 w/o.
  23. Yeah, especially if the dummy knocked rocks loose to fall on people below. Hilarious.
  24. Oh, yeah, RMI really loves it when folks do that!
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