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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. I've taken the flu shot for years and never gotten the flu. Last year I could not get one, caught the flu, and was very sick for 3-4 days.
  2. Mutually Assured Destruction. And yes, let Japan and S. Korea help bear the cost and responsibility.
  3. Going by history Chinese leaders have never balked at slaughtering millions for a strategic goal. Couple that with our massive technology transfers to China (examples Boeing 787, cellphones, software, laser gain media) and you've got a formidable foe. Especially when you remember Stalin feared Detroit more than nukes. Slaughtered millions of their own, right? I don't see them attacking the US anytime soon.
  4. Yes, and yes. Sorry Jay, I think we have far more to fear from the Chinese, a culture who don't have the tradition of individual liberty, private property, or many others that we in the west have. Currently they are economically and militarily a far greater threat than a bunch of Koran quoting whackos. Of course to face that threat would be to realize the grave danger of irresponsible fiscal policy and the massive military weakening that technology outsourcing represents. No way. The Chi-Comms love their lives, because they, as good atheists, believe this is it. The Islamofascists believe that 72 virgins are waiting for them after they blow themselves to kingdom come - much more dangerous.
  5. Evaluate her qualifications. Compare them to those of previous nominees (esp. those w/ no prior experience as a judge). Her looks have nothing to do with this.
  6. The queen of cc.com political correctness feminine' giving a pass to a fellow liberal who has just excersized judgement on a woman based solely on her perceived unattractiveness. Priceless! Yep. The hypocrisy of liberals never ceases to amaze me. Who cares what the woman looks like - she should be judged by her qualifications and job performance. Looks are irrelevant, remember? And, since Joshie is a liberal, other liberals will look the other way at his remark - like the feminists regarding Bubbas abuse of power with an intern.
  7. Of course it does, because you, like poor Winston, "love Big Brother".
  8. The new McCarthys = liberals, with their inflexible, dogmatic, intolerant worldview, and penchant for conspiracy-theories, hyperbole, and paranoia. It is you who have replaced a real threat (Islamofascism) with manufactured threats "big corporations", "fundamental Christianity", "American imperialism", among others.
  9. They were all his political enemies.
  10. Ritchie Blackmore, Billy Gibbons, Steve Vai
  11. WOW An amazing degree of self loathing! "Whiny little bitch" Whoa! yeah, she's also a self-described "corporate whore" and "sinner"
  12. pro-choice and pro-life are euphemisms designed by their advocates to make their respective position more appealing.
  13. but if "they" choose to, then the men have the "responsibility" to cough up the $$$ of course. :-))
  14. I'm talking about the human life that is about to be terminated.
  15. "their bodies" is where the argument falls flat on its ass. there's more than one person involved and talking about right and wrong is far different from legislating it
  16. Spoken like a true "human rights" advocate.
  17. I love it when pro-abortionists say this.
  18. he's baaaa-aack...
  19. Alice Cooper "I Love the Dead" Black Sabbath "Black Sabbath"
  20. Exactly. And if RvW were overturned, the Republicans would likely lose power at the next election. The public does not like radical change. So, the Republicans walk a fine line of pretending to want to overturn it, but not actually doing that.
  21. that's par for the course. happens all the time. lawyers will be the end of us.
  22. Of course you realize, Matt, that a justice can detest abortion and still rule it legal. You realize that even if Roe v Wade were overturned, abortion would remain legal in most, if not all states. You realize that Roe v Wade was as much about state's rights as it was abortion. Why do liberals insist on this litmus test above all others? I just don't understand. FW makes some good points about abortion here. O'Connor, a Reagan appointee, is pro-Roe v. Wade...the Supreme Court has made some really UN-popular rulings in the past. Remember Brown v. Board of Education? I've become convinced recently that overturning Roe v. Wade may not alter the nature of abortions in the US all that much. Technology has come along way in 35 years - no more coathangers, women are now using a prescription Ulcer drug to induce abortions. I don't know if I'm making sense here...just some musings on the whole abortion/supreme court thing... Roe v Wade will NOT be overturn. There may be restrictions put on abortions (partial-birth, parental notification), but that's a far cry from rolling back the clock 35 years.
  23. It's not looking good for either party right now. Prepare to hold your nose for the next election when you cast your vote.
  24. People who say the 2004 election was "fixed" just can't handle the truth - that a majority of Americans don't share their unmitigated hatred of Bush, and didn't buy the Demo-Liberal platform. Time to pull their heads out and deal with the truth - they lost, pure and simple.
  25. yes. UNLIKE the WA state gubernatorial election.
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