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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. That's Mk I. Mk II is with Ian Gillan. Check out Fireball and Who Do We Think We Are. Classic songs that are underplayed. Out of Their Heads, Aftermath and Exile on Main Street are top notch as well.
  2. Deep Purple Mk II and III. Their six albums hold up to Zep I - IV + Houses and Phys Graf. The Rolling Stones are a close third.
  3. Governments that collapsed under their own weight. Far-different animal from the marxist-rhetoric espoused by the originator of this thread. And I'm not a neocon you moron. As for the US, I'm happy here and willing to live with what we have, making incremental improvements, and realizing that is the best possible approach. Unlike you, brave expatriate, talking revolution out of your , but you've shown what action and sacrifice your willing to take on - cutting and running.
  4. The American Revolution is exceptional in almost every regard compared to other revolutions throughout history. Civilian bloodshed was minimal, and it ended with a general willingly abandoning his power and negating escalation of bloodshed that plagued so many other revolutions which turned inwards upon their own people. What is being advocated on this group smells of Marxist revolution, with Marxist utopian ideals, and would lead to the inevitable bloodshed of all Marxist regimes - wholesale slaughter of millions. Of course, that wouldn't bother you with your utopian, leftist world-view.
  5. Ah yes, revolution is so noble and glorious. Liberte, fraternite, egalite - never mind the thousands of heads that roll of those who have done nothing to deserve it. The great irony is how the same people who dream of revolution, harp incessantly on tragedies and relatively minor problems of the day, oblivious to the true horrors, mass-slaughter, and suffering that their uprising would generate - eclipsing the tragedies and problems they believe (more likely - pretend/pay lip-service to) they are solving.
  6. The problem is that the candidates who run are groomed and selected for us. When you have essentially two unpalatable alternatives, picked by others, who differ only in the details, what choice is there really?
  7. No. But I'm sure that delusion helps you rationalize your irrational hatred for the man. Kooks like you only ensure the Republicans keeping control of all three branches of government. Great work!
  8. More hyperbole and hand-wringing... And who cares what a shit-for-brains Canuck thinks anyway.
  9. I will enjoy every day of the next 3+ years watching you Bush haters choke on the fact that he is still in the White House - not because I like him, but because you're so damn annoying with your liberal rantings, histrionics, and absurd hyperbole.
  10. And where the hell's Crazy Polish Bob? He always livens the place up...
  11. I posted a thread on this months ago... and was told it had already been done before. Anyway, the vast majority of CC-com people will fall well in the lower left quadrant, and a few near the origin in the lower right. I don't think anybody is in either of the upper quadrants. Kind of weird, considering that is where US politicians supposedly fall. That leads me to question the methodology of this tool as well...
  12. Ahhh, more evidence of "tolerance", and what happened to the holy grail of "diversity". More evidence that those who espouse these goals are paying a bunch of lip service backed by no convictions whatsoever.
  13. grad student = indentured servant
  14. Can you spare a square?
  15. KaskadskyjKozak


    Yes, my fee is $125 / hour.
  16. Went camping w/ the family in 11worth. Hiked up to Colchuck Lake w/ my 5 and 7 year old.
  17. moral narcissm masquerading as compassion = liberalism in a nutshell.
  18. worse spelling courtesy of excessive drug use
  19. lie down with dogs, and you'll end up with fleas
  20. Got junk mail for expensive (leather bound, gold highlights) books - the top 100 classics, classics of the 20th century, etc. I realized there were too many I had never read. So I started with 1984 (seems like I'm not the only one reading about dystopia), got depressed and read Treasure Island for something light and easy. These, of course, are in between copious technical reading. Next on deck is "Heart of Darkness". I might pick up "A Farewell to Arms" after that - always liked Hemingway. Hmm, never read Brave New World though...
  21. I'm a cowboy, On a steel horse I ride
  22. exactly. go do a harder route if you don't want to deal with the unwashed masses.
  23. Put him in a meat grinder alive and feed him to dogs.
  24. they try to. They limit the number of people who can stay at each base camp (Schurman/Emmons flats, Camp Curtis, and the Inter Glacier). The limits are just fairly high.
  25. Look pissed off and tired as hell, and move quickly. Avoid eye contact. Nobody will bother you.
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