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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. it's bad form in general, but useful to make a point from time to time. and the contempt is mutual
  2. A stomp-kick to the knee cap works real well.
  3. If I ever have the misfortune of meeting you in person you'll be eating crow.
  4. Uh-huh. If that's what floats your boat to imagine your adversary on an internet forum, go for it. If such an ugly verbal exchange would transpire, be certain that no laughter would be involved. And if someone tried any shit with me, I'd take them out with no hesitation.
  5. Actually, it's not clever at all. It's dumb, embarassing, and makes both the person who says it and the person at whom it is directed feel like shit. Yeah, let's yell at each other on the street, and run around the corner to get away. And here is a newsflash: this is spray. Everything posted here should be taken with a grain of salt. My posting about what to say to be truly rude, was more in line with what I would be thinking about those fat ignoramuses, but I would not actually say to them. Nor would I say what Gary said.
  6. Kind of like your "brave" posting.
  7. so true
  8. Another ironic statement.
  9. I'd spell it out, but have better things to do... It's a good thing you edited your post about the definition of sarcasm. It would be terribly ironic ( a full-on Greek tragedy, I'm telling you ) to accuse me of being dim for not knowing the difference between sarcasm and irony. I didn't want to get into posting dictionary definitions and arguing a quotation that you never said. After all I have no idea what word you are confusing with irony. Sarcasm didn't sound right, so I changed it. What is ironic is that a disgruntled tool named Cobra Commander calls someone else a disgruntled tool. Or that some "tool" has nothing better to do but wait for me to post something on a web site, so he can make lame gratuitous insults about said target being a "tool".
  10. A sodomizing mute? Yes, that is an accurate description of Rudy.
  11. I'd spell it out, but have better things to do...
  12. Funny? If you say so. The irony of your last two sentences is overwhelming.
  13. How about a nice, greasy pork sandwich, served on a dirty ashtray?
  14. Some animals are more equal than others.
  15. Another Muir day hike gone bad: click here
  16. Don't get it... do you mean, your lover sprinkles flour on you and then f's the wet spot?
  17. he doesn't elaborate enough on *why* they should walk single file or why it is so ridiculous that two enormously fat fucks can be so presumptuous as to tell someone of normal stature to move aside for them. at least to qualify as "rude". He was actually kind of polite (and restrained), IMO.
  18. I had something more like this in mind:
  19. If there's going to be a filibuster, it had better be a real one, not some fake, procedural chess game. I want to see the opposition talking continuously on CSPAN - that's 24/7 like a filibuster was intended to be.
  20. You've got to have the hair of the dog that bit you...
  21. No thanks. Kozaky don't swing that way.
  22. You call that rude? You've got a lot of work to do. Polish Bob could help you out.
  23. based on the tone and content of the totality of your contribution to this site. You are such a classic stereotypical liberal: here you simultaneously whine about personal attacks while engaging in them within the very same sentence. So predictable and cliche. I am underwhelmed, but not surprised.
  24. liberal extremists like you are never in a good mood or happy about much of anything. And "liberal = despondent cynic" is a tautology
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