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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. and since you're talkin' about dying... decompose
  2. yeah, right, as if your scatalogical puerility is witty
  3. That's your breath you're smelling
  4. And all our yesterdays have lighted fools The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle! Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player That struts and frets his hour upon the stage And then is heard no more: it is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing.
  5. such people have such gravitas
  6. spend or save urbs or suburbs private school public school home school one income or two Happy?
  7. fight or flight
  8. Da, pust' vsye komunyaki stradat' navek v ade.
  9. yeah, like mass executions and unmarked graves, the NKVD and artificial famines. great living
  10. Build versus buy
  11. I see you're a graduate of the Pee-Wee Herman school of debate.
  12. it's spray, and sometimes it's just fun to rattle the cage and stir up the monkeys.
  13. Thar ya go with that durn science again ya libural. ah shucks all you liberals can drive the small cars. Darwin in action.
  14. Awesome! I just paid $5 last week to take my kid mountain-biking at St. Edwards. It'll be nice to go w/o shelling out cash every time!
  15. KaskadskyjKozak


    twenty girls into fisting fisting? twenty girls into fellatio
  16. KaskadskyjKozak


    Think Green, Inebriation, F**ing
  18. I'll remember that.
  19. You vote democrat, whose legacy of big government has never gone away. Then don't complain when you have to cough up 8K come tax time. There are penalties for this as well (following certain rules) . Then you are just one of the rich and have no business complaining. :-) Us poor folks don't have to pay 8K 'cos we don't get any capital gains.
  20. It's incremental. Government grows with each administration, and, like "sticky wages" in economics, you have "sticky big government". When power shifts to the other party they grow government in different areas, at different rates, but it is rare to cut anything once it's been established. As long as people are in the mindset that the government owes them, and must take care of every problem, the nanny state will only grow. Hence, we reap what we sow.
  21. you reap what you sow: big gov't = big taxes. :-)) 8K? you might consider adjusting the # of exemptions on your W-4, BTW...
  22. Good, there's hope for you yet.
  23. What sense of humor? You mean your hackneyed, trite stereotypes? <yawn/>
  24. Exactly. A sure sign that someone is losing an argument and is in total desperation is when they start comparing their opponents to Hitler and the Nazi party.
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