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Everything posted by KaskadskyjKozak

  1. No, the second letter is either iNtuitive or Sensing. S people think very linearly, and like order/lists/etc.
  2. STFU, a-hole
  3. fat dudes with leaf-blowers. get a broom...
  4. INTJ also I have an MS in CSE...
  5. Yeah, and the same people who complain about the fee will gladly drop $100 at a baseball game. $15 for Rainier is reasonable.
  6. But it isn't cheap if you just want to drive up to Paradise and look around, take pictures, go on a mile loop hike to look at flowers. anyone that can afford to fill up their gas tank to drive to the park should be able to afford the $15 entrance fee. There ain't no such thing as a free lunch. What's new? The taxman taketh and taketh again.
  7. Lucky Lager rules.
  8. KKK? Fuck you.
  9. All a person has to do to be considered racist is to note and remember others' races? Absurd. And people who simply live and don't worry about other peoples' race are white men. They are the only people who can afford to. Liberals are obsessed with race. Period.
  10. kinder, kuche, kirche Wagner, Swastikas, Sanskrit, and Aryan mythos.
  11. The Nazi masterminds were not Christian; they believed in pagan German mythology.
  12. No job I've had yet give me the depth and variety of experiences that climbing, skiing or travelling does. I don't meet as many interesting people, I'm not challenged in the same ways, and there isn't the potential for failure. In short, no. I've only had one job that truly sucked. Took me a year to get out of there.
  13. always? you don't like what you do at all?
  14. when in Rome...
  15. Post deleted by KaskadskyjKozak
  16. you need to get a sense of humor. desperately.
  17. What a surprise. Foraker is a girlie man.
  18. equal time on spray
  19. 5 years of variants of the same jokes got old about 4 years ago
  20. you are all obsessed. seek help
  21. There was more to it than that. But what is it with Texans and their damn cronies? All presidents nominate their friends to positions as payback for support. But usually in the past the nominees were qualified, or the position was unimportant (ambassador to Belize, or something like that).
  22. Then perhaps for a second course you ? stick with Agave worms
  23. eto pravda, mnogo russkikh lyudej, rasisty. nu j chto?
  24. *yawn* ad hominem attacks from faceless little trolls like you mean nothing
  25. chrome domes? bald people?
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