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Everything posted by Double_E
sounds great, TJ!! I'm not sure about two days, but could definintely do one day (either one), that last w/end in June. well just how experienced are you? do tell. considering the fact that you don't post on much on this site, I'd bet you do actually do alot of climbing. I think you proposed it .... you can start the new thread!
damn!!!! sorry, chelle. I've had a couple bikes stolen, myself..... one cause of really determined thieves (they broke my krypto lock) and once cuz of a really stoopid Double_E (long story; don't ask). at any rate, both times.. I wanted to take a baseball bat to their little bastard bike thief knees.
can't climb Rainier this weekend but .... I would like to climb Baker and/or Rainier some time this summer, if you're up for it. a friend from work might want to go too. one thing I wouldn't mind doing first tho (maybe this Sunday at Paradise/Muir...?) is some z-pulley practice. I've set one up it before, but only once .. a few yrs ago. I've done two roped glacier-slogs (Glacier/Olympus) ... both of which were also a few yrs ago. And i think it's high time for another one!! PM or email me.
good lord... this one guy I used to work with was always talking with his wife on the phone thru-out the day. he would call her, or she would call him, like every single hour of every workday. .... at first I thot he was totally pussywhipped,... but then as I got to know him and stuff, I realized (and heard from other coworkers) that it wasn't just him... they were both totally co-dependent on each other. unbelievable. i pity tha foos... I dunno, i've heard some people criticize the... "stigma" of co-dependence, saying how "...you see, people who we love to make fun of as being 'co-dependent' are just really really really in love..." and shoot, well.... that may be true for some of them. and so good for them. .... but still.... calling every goddam muthafuckin hour!?? yeesh. with my current GF (about one year), so far our email-to-phonecall ratio has been about 20:1. seems to work pretty good.
I've got a better idea. mmmmmmmmmmm.... Canadian cameltoe.
"The Gnome" I want to tell you a story About a little man If I can. A gnome named Grimble Grumble. And little gnomes stay in their homes. Eating, sleeping, drinking their wine. He wore a scarlet tunic, A blue green hood, It looked quite good. He had a big adventure Amidst the grass, fresh air at last. Wining, dining, biding his time. And then one day - hooray! Another way for gnomes to say Hoooooooooray. Look at the sky, look at the river Isn't it good? Look at the sky, look at the river Isn't it good? Winding, finding places to go. And then one day - hooray! Another way for gnomes to say Hoooooooooray. Hooooooooooooooray.
i like the early Floyd weirdness. Ummagumma, A Nice Pair, etc. and all of their albums, up thru The Wall, had at least a few songs I reeaally liked. sine then, they've sorta gone downhill, IMHO. well, maybe there were a couple good songs on that first Pink Gilmour album in '87 or whenever that was. wouldn't mind seeing Floyd again....
whether or not you climb n' shit, it's pretty low on the relative-danger-scale, compared to most addictive things. i've talked to a few different doctors about this very topic, thru-out the years. all said that you have to drink a LOT of coffee (like 10+ cups a day) to even begin to approach the level of it being a health risk. I think one said that the rule of thumb was: as long as the level of intake isn't curbing appetite enough to where you could risk anorexia..... you're OK.
i read an article in some magazine a while back (Vanity Fair?) about the Moscow underground... well, it was talking about various old cities and their undergronds, but it sort of focused on Moscow, which is about, what, maybe 1200 years old. sounded hardcore... the torture chambers of Ivan the Terrible and various other Czars.. and later, facilities of the KGB and their ilk... and much later, the strongholds of the modern Russian mafia. plus of course untold miles of old subway tunnels, sewers, other utility stuff, etc etc ... some used and some not. talked about the street gangs, pimps, hoodlums, (plus a few artist/anarchist types) etc who lived down there. I dunno, some of it sounded kinda hyped n' sorta speculative, but I'm sure a lot of it was true. also saw some TV documentary on the Paris underground... pretty much all the same stuff, except not quite as hardcore. French hoodlums and mafia are probably just a little "kinder and gentler" than their Russian counterparts. New York's underground, tho not quite as old and diverse, is nothing to sneeze at either. it was written up in a National Geo article about 5 or 10 yrs ago.
another site, same general schtick .... except that it does the job with text, not graphics. and unfortunately you can't switch websites on the fly.. you have to go here to do so. a tad more juvenile than the one posted above, but what the hell. it's fun.
wow that sucks TLG! over 2 yrs in Ballard & then 1.5 in Wallingford, I saw that shit happen at least twice in each neighborhood. wake up one morning with 5 or 6 cars on the block with rocks or bricks inside. buncha little shithead punks. unbelievable. never did actually happened to me, but I did once get my car stolen, from my apt. building's locked garage in Ballard... it turned up two weeks later, as many stolen cars do, but the stereo & Yakima racks were gone.. window broken ... etc etc.. some camping gear and tools too.
jmace, any chick who makes ya wait more than 2 or 3 dates very likely doesn't-like-sex-very-much. plain and simple. so no matter how many other qualities she may have... move on. why waste your time?
farthest north I've ever been was car-camping on the Yukon River, near Whitehorse. never will forget how damn big that river was.... we were probably over 1000 miles upstream from the ocean and it still looked like it had the same discharge as the mouth of the Skagit.
a long time ago, I heard it was impossible to sneeze and piss at the same time. for a long long time (months? years?) , I meant to test it, but kept forgetting to schedule the two acts for the same part of my day ... then one eventually day I WAS able to test it, and found that it WAS indeed possible to do both at the same time. what a let-down, huh? i hate it when an urban legend turns out to be just that. a legend. hmmm. how bout a sneeze during orgasm? could be interesting ....
yeah no kidding huh? we could all learn a lot from Japan.. they have to conserve ALL their resources, each and every one, just from having so many millions squeezed onto a country the size of like... Montana I think. one cool thing I've heard they do is that most(?) Japanese bathrooms have pipes which fill up the toilet tanks with the grey water from the sink drain.
seen recently: Drunk Chicks Dig Me
mmmmmmmm........ fried eggs.
yeah, I've seen/heard that saying too. for some reson, it conjures up images of a strict, pious, and persnickety (ugh.. one of those words you love to hate) Catholic school-marm. Or like a big fat recess monitor. back in like 4th or 5th grade, we had this one recess monitor who liked to use the word "No-no" -- as in, something that's not allowed. she'd say: "hey don't do ____, that's a no-no!!". my buddies and I used to think it was the dumbest word in the whole wide universe. PS... never went to Catholic school. just working on stereotypes here.