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Everything posted by Kitergal

  1. A chewing gum which the makers say can help enhance the size, shape and tone of the breasts has proved to be a big hit in Japan. B2Up says its Bust-Up gum, when chewed three or four times a day, can also help improve circulation, reduce stress and fight ageing. The gum works by slowly releasing compounds contained in an extract from a plant called Pueraria mirifica. In theory, this helps to keep the muscle tissue in good order. Pueraria mirifica, also known as Kwao Krua, is a species found in Thailand and Burma. It has long been used by indigenous hill tribe people as a traditional medicine. The plant's underground tubers contain a number of chemicals called phytoestrogens - natural compounds which mimic the effects of the female sex hormone oestrogen. These include miroestrol and deoxymiroestrol, which are believed to exert a particularly strong effect, as they are very close in chemical structure to oestradiol, the main human oestrogen. B2Up says that it is the effect of these two chemicals, coupled with a third phytooestrogen isoflavone, which makes its gum so effective. It cites tests carried out by Thailand's Chulalongkorn University which found Pueraria mirifica therapy was able to enhance breast size by 80%. Further tests carried out in England found that the plant had a beneficial effect on the skin, and hair, as well as the breasts. The company also markets different Pueraria products, including pills, and tea. The gum, which comes in rose flavour, has proved so popular that there are plans to start selling it in convenience stores. Scepticism Claire Williamson, of the British Nutrition Foundation, said research had suggested phytoestrogens may be beneficial in post-menopausal women in terms of reducing menopausal symptoms, and may also have beneficial effects on risk factors for heart disease and osteoporosis. A role in breast cancer has also been suggested. But she said research had suggested that isoflavone supplements are not as effective in managing menopausal symptoms as isoflavone rich foods such as soya. Furthermore, consumption of isoflavones may need to be life-long in order to have beneficial effects on postmenopausal symptoms. "So there is clear evidence of the potential health benefits of consuming isoflavone-rich foods such as soya, however consumption in the form of a gum has not been extensively studied and such products may be simply another food gimmick." http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/4361563.stm
  2. know how to install metal roofing??
  3. you can pick it up cheaper at mt. high sports in Ellensburg on your way over!! I think I got mine for $19.95 there!
  4. Is there a ring on this man's finger?? Who is he??
  5. If you can get in...the Boeing Flight school is the BOMB!! BUT..you must either work at boeing, or have a relative that works there. They are the cheapest and most experienced! I HIGHLY recommend them!! Maybe we can be in ground school together! I'm signed up for the next class that starts later this summer!! -M
  6. I'm IN! I'm IN I'm IN IN IN!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Why isn't it tonight!! MONDAYS SUCK!! Yes, tomorrow..I'm there. I'll be done with my big meeting and ready to tie one on!! Why ballard? why not somewhere....I dunno...closer to the heart of the city? Or...somewhere that has a taco tuesday special?? like tacos and beer for cheap?? hmmm????
  7. Is this for reals?? OMG! I think I have to go!! Is it sold out??
  8. Gawd those are awesome photos!!!
  9. Kitergal

    The Ladies

    Duhh...Arizona...they all are tan and run around half naked!!
  10. tell me your not talking about this!! http://www.nfb.ca/grizzly/troy.html seriously...since my neighbors killed a bear in my yard back in October...I've been a complete freak-a-zoid about it!!
  11. you know...I always have reoccurring nightmares that I am being chased by a bear....it breaks into my house, chases me around the house, I always escape to the roof, and it always gets me cornered up there. sometimes, I'll be walking from where I park my car to my house, and I'll run into it and it chases me into my house...and the house scene starts. or other times, I'll be walking down to the river by my house, and I'll run into it there. Then it chases me home, and I do the house scene again. Now..I'm scared to death to walk down to the river by myself. (Which is the whole reason I moved out to where I live in the first place..I love living so close to the river) Heck..I'm afraid to walk to the mailbox alone...or go for a run or bike ride. Not to mention hiking in the woods. OMG!! I need to get over this bear thing...any suggestions??
  12. ummm...hello!! Chris Ledoux!! You can't go wrong with that man!! GOD BLESS CHRIS LEDOUX!!!
  13. I wanna goooo!! Crystal on the 22nd!! Boarding?? Count me in! Ya'all know...Crystal is exactly 23 minutes from my doorstep to base?? YEAH FOR ME! K. I'm in! We can get crazy at my place afterwards!! PM me for details!! fun fun. Tonight..I might show as well...have a meeting til 7ish..but will probably show up afterwards!!
  14. Kitergal

    What'd Ya Get?

    new stainless fridge! Whistler Lift Tickets henckle knife set cd's Dvd's cloths REI gift cert
  15. Whistler!! Huge pimps and ho's party at tommy africas!!
  16. If it's got testicles or tires it's gonna cause headaches.
  17. Kitergal

    need a job!

    hmm...are you Hott? Awesome Body? Can you cook, clean, do yard work, fix things and make me scream in bed?? Your hired!
  18. Short?? She's 5'8!! Thats not short!!
  19. Jimmy Buffett!! His boxed set...beaches, bars, boats and ballards...KICKS ASS!! and Chris Ledoux! Another bad ass set... Charlie Daniels Band is good, as is Bob Marley's hmmmm..but those are box sets...did you mean greatest hits?? oops...umm...yeah..don't know of any..just the box sets!!
  20. Kitergal


    k. I'm fired up..sorry...One more thing...Wouldn't you rather be completely happy....by yourself, than miserable in a relationship that wasn't meant to be?? EVERYTHING happens for a reason. EVERYTHING. Sometimes it's hard to see, and sometimes it takes a while for it to become clear, but in the end...everything works out for a reason.
  21. Kitergal


    You need to be 100% happy with who you are, before someone else can be happy with you. Many MANY people in this world pull the I'm incomplete without someone bullshit card. Thats shit. You need to make yourself happy first. Get involved in activities that make you happy, be completely selfish for a while...have fun!! Those same activities will lead to new experiences, and hopefully new pleasures. Do what-ever it takes to make you happy. Then...stay happy. People are attracted to happy, fun, complete people. The last thing anyone wants to hear is "I'm not complete with-out someone". Yuk. I completely agree with RobBob and RBW1966 as a single, independent chick that lives in the PNW...yes...I am independent. No I don't need anyone in my life...but YES, I love it when men open doors for me, are romantic, and respectful. Just because you open the door for me doesn't mean your implying I can't do it myself...it's an act of respect. We recognize and appriciate that. The biggest turn on for any woman (IMHO)is confidence....NOT COCKINESS. It's a fine line...but it makes all the difference in the world. There is life before, during, and after all relationships. LIVE IT!
  22. Not sure what the attitudes about....I think these photos are AMAZING! wow....
  23. more to drool over...Hit browse for the photos http://www.esquire.com/women/gallery/000801_mww_lokelani_frame.html still waiting to hear about the heart rate and sex!! been curious about that!
  24. Marie Gatti from this day forward you will also be known as: Deputy Drunkenpaws !! OMG! I love it!! Deputy Drunkenpaws!!
  25. Kitergal

    Name My Dog

    Yeah!! That was my vote!! It fits! I'm tellin ya!! OMG!! She is adorable!! If you ever need a puppy sitter....let me know!! -M
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