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Everything posted by Kitergal

  1. Whose doing what?? Need to start fishing for some ideas here!! Soo many options...so little time. Can anyone suggest a kick ass place to go, camp, hike, climb, etc. where the crowds WILL NOT BE?? Anywhere in the US or Canada is game at this point..... Thanks in advance for your suggestions!
  2. I'm going to be out of town the majority of this week....so if someone can jump in and organize it...if the weather is good enough...maybe ya'all can meet up at exit 38 or something!! -M Icegirl...where are you???
  3. Thanks Dave! I really liked the group I went with last weekend! I'm gonna try and jump on board a ride again this weekend! So nice to have these trails this close to my house!! And..umm..why didn't I get into this earlier?? -M
  4. Get rid of the 10 mpg cars on the road! There's already a bio product available made from corn to replace the gas that we use...heck..I use it in my sailboat all the time. runs cleaner. Yeah..there's a whole list of things we could do. Again..it's our government trying to look smart and taking the easy way out. WHAT A JOKE!!
  5. WTF? I was expecting a list of goods...whaaa hoppin??
  6. Aire Lynx. Highly recommend any Aire brand..they're pricey..but you can typically score sweet deals on used ones.
  7. Which rivers actually have a portion of them that runs uphill? Yes...there are at least two in the world that do this. One I believe is fairly local!!
  8. Check out the latest Outside magazine....Girlz rule!! http://outside.away.com/outside/features/women-rock-climbers.html
  9. VANTAGE!! This saturday!! See ya there!
  10. Check out the IK's! I'm loving them!! Got tired of scraping my head on rocks in the hardshells...so I went for an IK and will never go back! LOVE IT!! And..yes...in an IK you can haul a HELL of a lot more beer!! The OTHER reason I switched!! -M
  11. Yahoo groups...There's a NW kayaking and a White Water Group. Both have people posting used stuff all the time! -M
  12. Where's her harness?? and her Helmet? that doesn't look very safe!! Safety first!!!
  13. sat: Mt. Bike with backcountry bike club...SWEET ride! sun: MM Fork Snoqualmie with everyone else early in the AM, then mom's b-day party that afternoon!! Yes...Totally sore..but man living in Washington ROCKS!!
  14. can't make it next week!! sorry!! have a hott date!
  15. Pretty funny?? No way man..that was the bomb!!
  16. Icegirl?? Isn't it about time to start organizing girl climbs again?? Or do we need to wait for daylight savings??? -M
  17. Turn up the sound!! www.grayace.com/dex/bunny.html
  18. CBS- How many luna bars a day would someone need to eat to see the effects??
  19. hmm Luna bars are easier to stock up on...maybe I'll cancel my order and go shopping tonight!!
  20. Marie, I have to ask; have you stocked up on a life tiimes supply? Not yet!! My orders in the mail!!
  21. Or is it more of a debate over family? Husband vs. Parents? Who should really have the final say?
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