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Everything posted by Kitergal

  1. Soo..where'd ya go?
  2. The National Park Service is proposing to replace the Jackson Visitor Center and construct a new Visitor Center and rehabilitate Paradise Inn at the Paradise area of MRNP. The environmental assessment is now out for public review. You can get a copy by contacting Superintendent, MRNP, Tahoma Woods, Star Route, Ashford WA 98304. Or go online at http://www.nps.gov/mora/ I have downloaded the SUMMARY, which is two pages explaining the need for the project and a bare-bones description of the proposal details and time-line. If you want the two-page summary, I would be happy to email it at your request. You may want to comment on the project during the next 30 days comment period. Helen Engle, hengle@earthlink.net
  3. anyone going to the signing??
  4. I'm assuming this is canceled if there really is thunderstorms....or rain. correct??
  5. ok..girlfriend as gross as it sounds..it honestly works. Mayonnaise. Yeah..nasty...smelly..but it works. Wash hair, put in hair, leave in hair for 20 minutes (use shower cap...then wrap a hot towel around shower cap) and then wash hair after 20 minutes. You'll be amazed at how well it really does work!! -M
  6. Kitergal

    Rest Day

    wow...that is the craziest dictionary I've ever seen! It is pretty damn funny!!
  7. ya know...she's a 10 at 2am..but a 2 at 10pm?? once drunk...she's hot? c'mon girlfriend...work with me here...ya had to of heard this!?!!
  8. is like like the 10 at 2 and 2 at 10 gig??
  9. damn it Muffy...Don't BURST MY BUBBLE!!! ya big bubble burster!!
  10. ohh squid...are you calling me pretty??? mee likey!!
  11. no muffy...I'm looking for Elsa!!
  12. modesty...hmmm...I think I failed at the spelling bee because of that word. never believed in it since!! Damn modesty..it will not hold me back!! ELSA SCHMIDT...Bitch for winning the spelling bee...where are ya now?? Huh bitch!?!! k. feel better.
  13. Truth be told..I started it last Friday waiting for traffic to die down. Eventually I'll pay for a real one and post trip reports, beta, all that kind of jazz....but I need to wait for another shitty traffic day to continue!!
  14. and it's my shrine!! why the hell not!!
  15. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/shared/spl/hi/pi...ging/html/1.stm Comments??
  16. Freak'in free websites!! You can't get anything quality for free anymore!! DAMN IT!!!
  17. check my profile babe.
  18. gapertimmy does that mean you think I am dru also?? c'mon man...peeps here have met me...just not you!! they can tell ya I'm 100% female!!
  19. c'mon guys!! She's gorgeous...and climbs!! WTF!?! what more do you want from a women!! jeeezzz
  20. yes..Next Thursday..I'm in as well! Fun Fun!
  21. Thanks Matt!! You're the best!
  22. wow..so I can only post on certain sections of the site...VERY interesting!! guess I'm not banned from Spray!! but I am from Events?? hmmm....
  23. I haven't been able to post at all...let's see if this works!!
  24. So today is May 10th....is anyone planning on going??
  25. how do you know they can't remember where they burried their nuts??
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