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Everything posted by Kitergal

  1. Kitergal


    dude..I so want to post that pic..but how does one post a photo??
  2. Kitergal


    dood...is the guy wearing a blue speedo?? Seriously...half way down..the look out photo!!
  3. I LOVE YOU GUYS!! I LOVE THIS SITE! WOW! If ever I'm in a bad mood...just log on to cc and I'm guaranteed a laugh!! YOU GUYS ALL ROCK!!
  4. I don't think our intention's are to scare you off! it really is a fabulous climb...but I would consider it more of a climb than a hike. You are "hiking" to 10,000ft. which would be a summit climb on most of our other mts around here!! The brother that doesn't exercise at all..hmm..unless he's one of those natural athlete types..who have amazing athletic abilities without even trying...I'd um...recommend he starts training!!
  5. OMFG! that is one of the funniest tr's I think I've read! WOWSER!!
  6. dood...can one really climb in a bikini top?? girls?? have any of you tried it?? I'm soo in!! IF it is possible that is?? -M
  7. Camp Muir was my first real introduction to mt. climbing...and all I can tell ya is it is NOTHING like Mt. Si. The views are freak'in amazing from up there! Yes...know your navigation skills and turn around at even the smallest change in weather. Hikers get stranded/lost/and injured up there in white out conditions all the time because they don't take that Mt. or that "hike" seriously enough. It is a LOT of work. Second to Climbing the actual mountain...it was the hardest thing I think I've ever done in my life. (it's not that bad now..but the first time...wow...thought I was gonna die!!) The Muir snowfield just seems like it never ends...don't give up and keep on pushing...it really does end...eventually!! IT IS AMAZING up there...and by far one of my favorite training hikes!! Let me know when your thinking of heading up...I may want to tag along!! -M
  8. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/4486247.stm Mystery of German exploding toads The toads of Altona are dying in their thousands Toads in an area of northern Germany are being killed off by a mysterious disease - they are exploding. Thousands of the amphibians have died in recent days in a pond in Hamburg's Altona district, with their bodies swelling to bursting point. The toads' entrails are propelled for up to a metre (3.2ft), in scenes that have been likened to science fiction. Scientists are baffled. Possible explanations include a unknown virus or a fungus in the pond. "You see the animals crawling on the ground, swelling and then exploding," German conservationist Werner Smolnik told AFP news agency. The bodies of the toads expanded to three and a half times their normal size, he said. "I have never seen such a thing," AFP quotes veterinarian Otto Horst as saying. The site - which has been dubbed "the pond of death" - has been closed to the public.
  9. k. wait..you guys can actually work out in the mornings? I tried that once...and puked! Seriously..couldn't do it. felt like hell!! THAT AND...who the hell gets up that early! I can barely get out of bed and make it to work on time!! Yet alone work out!! Does it really make a difference? Honestly? Working out in the AM vs PM? And if it does...why do I get so sick and feel like hell when I try to do it??
  10. girlfriend!! where have you been?? Why have we completely lost touch?? Lets go play sometime! I miss you!!! -M
  11. I just got this from my kiteboarding group... Cut from kiteforum. "Here we go again. Apparently for-pay weather companies (specifically Accuweather) have lobbied Senator Rick Santorum to introduce a bill to ban the National Weather Service from 'competing.' The NOAA just made data available for free on the internet in XML format. Essentially, that means no more free data, and the possible elimination of the NOAA web presence all together. Nothing like being able to buy off a clueless Senator - lets hope the rest do not fall in line, as I for one, do not like to pay for my information twice." This debate picks up where the last one left off. According to the article, the bill's biggest critics are complaining of the bill's vague wording which makes it unclear what exactly is being banned. If you are an American (US), let Sen. Santorum know what you think about National Weather Services Duties Act of 2005 at http://santorum.senate.gov/ I did: Sir: I have for years enjoyed access to meteorological data from NWS and NOAA. your bill would cut public access to this info, limiting citizens to paying for dumbed-down, ad-laden products (aka crap) from private co's -TWC, etc. Millions of citizens-- mariners, aviators, outdoors people -and myself - depend on free access to quality data that the government gathers for the sole purpose of serving our interest. Many times our very lives may depend on this information. Withdraw this foolish bill. Do not support any bill limiting access to this vital information. If you think ordinary citizens should pay for weather forecasts, just try paying for a private marine or aviation forecast yourself. Every day. Sincerely, BWD
  12. k. I'm gonna probably go! Who wants to climb?? (WARNING...I'm a noobie)
  13. k. so why are they piling it up?? and what is it for?
  14. wtf is a sulfur tailing pile?
  15. I painted my toenails while driving to work today...not the best pedicure..but hey...I'm wearing sandals so I needed some color!!
  16. hmm..squamish could be fun! And it's canadian so it shouldn't be totally over crowded..right?! good idea!!
  17. k. seriously people...I need to purchase airline tickets soon if I'm going somewhere!! any other suggestions?? No crowds is the key, and camping, hiking, climbing, kind of stuff is mandatory!! -M
  18. you realize this is cinco de mayo...right??
  19. I am sure all women dream of dating a guy who makes enough money so that he can shop at a pricey, high-class store like Wal-Mart. Gold-diggers!
  20. WOW! I don't know what else to say...but OMFG! That is crazy funny shit!
  21. OMFG!! This is way sad...WAY funny...but way sad!
  22. Heck yeah!! I'm not sure if it's been done before..but we can do what-ever we want!! That idea sounds AWESOME!
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