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Everything posted by letsroll

  1. backpacking at goat rocks this weekend should be interesting I predict a trip to baker in my future.
  2. nice little day hike. Looks like great conditions to take the little one. How did he fair? Cooper looks to be in good shape, think I will have to get on that one soon.
  3. lol that was too funny, painfull but funny. Think I will stick to rock climbing in the summer.
  4. sweet so who is going to pack that up this spring? I will bring the beer.
  5. woot wooot wooot..looks like ski time soon
  6. Cool thanks. The more help the faster it will go. I think I need to come up with a plan first. No work will be done for a few weeks yet. I was kidding about grid bolting by the way.
  7. same place where "Extreeeeeeeeme squeeze job at a local PDX/Van crag." ALso after looking at that line, are we grid bolting there now? If we are then scratch my statement about not being able to put up new routes
  8. My rack is basically all BD stuff. I love the cams and untill quality is questioned I will continue to hang dog on them all day long. Yes they are a bit on the spendy side but they are sooo nice.
  9. Roc that is perfect. I am in now hurry, and if I was I would not be able to get on it for at leas two weeks. I think I am looking into november by the time I get started on it. I have access to a tacoma truck with a snug top on the bed. Will that be enought room to get all that wood? When do you want to get rid of it? Jlag I would like to tap into your knowledge. One trail is established and easy to fix up. The other side is a major redew I think and on that side there is rock to use. I will talk to you some time this week about it. I agree billcoe that side is really bad. I was going to start on the easy stuff first and where it is mostly traveled right now. That other side will take a lot more work, you are basically going to have to put in an all new trail.
  10. After talking to some people and climbing several times at a local crag I feel inspried to help fix it up. I can't climb hard and don't know how to develop routes so I am left with fixing up the trail to the crag. My idea is to make steps down the hill (the current ones made out of dirt suck). So I am looking for free wood to make the steps out of (old pallets). I will use the wood to hold back the dirt and use rebar to anchor the wood inplace.
  11. some one should make a sticky for down info. These questions seem to come up several times a year. I did when looking for a bag.
  12. so you just hiking or did you get some???????? Can't wait for the season to start. Jeff is such a great ski and easy access.
  13. damn nice view from the porch.
  14. It is not sexy but a mini-van would work good. Sure you could find one used without many miles. Take the row seats out and it will hold a lot of gear and you will be able to sleep in it. When I was a kid my family had one and did just that on many fishing trips. They also four wheel suprisingly well.
  15. The story I got was WAY better Suprised you have not climbed every route there. Your going to be hard to keep up with next time I make it down there Way to get on it. Props to your climbing partner.
  16. January you will have to snow shoe/skin basically from batchlor ski resort. If you are on skis you could get a tow from a slednecker for the price of a beer. If the road does not get closed and my schedual permits I would not mide heading up there later this month. Right now the only is the 27-28, but I might be headed to Reno and will not know for a couple of weeks.
  17. unless we get feet of snow I would not worry too much. If there is a concern it would be the slopes above tree line. Basically every slope at that point is avi savi. When are you going to do it??
  18. by the way send some of that snow down this way. So I can be lazy and get a day in this weekend.
  19. damn, damn, damn....wedding. ;(
  20. guess it is time to head north time to get the gape on.
  21. There are not that many options if you are tall. I am 6'5" and got the ID MK3. It is just long enough. I am inches from physically touching the walls. Sleeping bad does. I can and have slept two tall people in that tent. Very tight but doable. At one point we even had all our gear in it. I love the tent only 2 trips in it but they were horrible weather contidions.
  22. oh snap, he did it. He getting ready to hang with the "D" Guess I better get my sh%t together so we can fire sh%t off.
  23. looks like an oscar winning to me
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