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Everything posted by ashw_justin

  1. Yeah, those of us with cable modem save so much time. Oh, wait...
  2. I've seen and partaken of the spoils from a dumpster raid at Trader Joes...
  3. Spend a few days at Mt. Baker ski area. Go midweek on powder days, savoring every turn that $30 buys you. Then do some backcountry for a while. There are several different areas to earn your turns out there. At some point take a multi-day trip up to Whistler/Blackcomb (being sure to buy discount tickets in B'ham, they were $10 off at Haggens last year). Do some more backcountry. Soon spring season will roll around, and then it's time to start hitting the higher peaks for corn (Ruth, Twin Sisters, Shuksan, Baker).
  4. You gotta be more specific john. Of course you can use your cordelette as a prussik. Just tie the knots, then tie off and decide where to stow the slack. Or invent a configuration like dryad's. maybe this artwork will help. (rope)|(prussik knot)======(loop)=======(tie-off knot)&^%$(slack)^#(&$% Otherwise, it seems like you are expecting some kind of genius rope trick for setting up a 15-to-1 self-tending ratcheting hauling system...?
  5. I swear, if I see another fatass in a US postal jersey...
  6. ashw_justin

    Funny Post

    Clearly, considering one's inevitable proximity to an audience, this is an important issue.
  7. STFU (unless you can show me a fixed crampon)
  8. wow. Even my post that redirected spray elsewhere got moderated. Who'd a thought.
  9. We need some banned avatar playing cards. But who are the queens?
  10. Correction: if you act like you are under thirty (should qualify most of you on here), and don't mind living with a couple youngins, you're probably cool.
  11. These right-wingers were dangerous. They had weapons of mass idealogical destruction! It was necessary to preempt their right wing terrorism! (You know, such as protecting the wilderness from illegal development and such.)
  12. I think we need a hall of infamy on the site. A list of all the most notable banned members, some sample posts, plus the sick details of their bannage. "cc.com's Most Unwanted" Hmm, we should start a thread like that and make it a sticky.
  13. Wilderness bolting shouldn't be done guerilla-style. You may be able to tell yourself "no-one will know" while doing it but if the route is worth climbing, it will be noticed. If you can get proper approval for power-drilling a route, go ahead, but good luck.
  14. Hey stop that, you're gonna get my ass kicked! These are good guys, but ain't one of 'em going to play nice in a fight.
  15. I knew I didn't have to get cable TV!
  16. hahaha. Yeah, take that, Canadian! rofl
  17. I thought chicks dig guys who carry shotguns around in the woods?
  18. Then when is blows they will refer to it as a "volcanic malfunction." I thought it was so they could involve Homeland Security yeah me too!
  19. Ah great now who am I going to look up to?! So I'm curious. Do people get warnings before being banned, or is it done "on a whim," like when posts disappear?
  20. Agree on restricting motorized travel. But what's the deal with the bikes? I thought bikes were already not allowed in National Park wildernesses. Is there car-shuttling going on? Cuz if they're lazy downhillers then I don't sympathize... So anyway, why are you posting this on a climbing website. You're not one of those hacks writing articles about the negative impact of rock climbing on cliff moss, are you? (hacks being a fitting description, due to the complete ignorance of proper controls in such "studies")
  21. Orange wall can't be beat for 5.10 face (it's better than Powerline).
  22. Why the name change to "Bird Creek Meadows?" Are they trying to escape their infamy?
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