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Everything posted by ashw_justin

  1. Shit the risk of death is 100%... but nobody likes to haul around a dead fatass. -skinny dude, jammin' till the famine.
  2. Beside the point, but surely this is because all of the best speed climbers come from Oregon! bring yer track shoez
  3. Yeah well puntbelitz neglected to mention that
  4. When I rented one it was from the Glacier Ski Shop. Sounds like Alpine Hut needs some convincing. How hard is it to pull a board out of storage? Tell them the season just started!
  5. Yeah I just wanted to take this opportunity to say that IT'S ON! We will have a summer skiing season here no matter how early or truncated it has to be.
  6. Boy it sure is nice to disappear on a Thursday. Sherman Peak
  7. Coffee is wreaking havoc on my bowels so I'm switching to Mate. anybody know where I can get it for less than $20 a pound? (That's what they want for it at that faux-hippie spendathon, Whole Foods)
  8. hahaha yeah that's funny. hydrolysis is a bitch. Turns out good ol' carbohydrates are damn good for fuel.
  9. ashw_justin

    Dating at Work

    Man, wow, that sucks. I luckily, have no women asking me out. If it's someone you have to see at work every day, bad idea. Total romance killer and so sucky if it stops working (inevitable). ps. sounds like maybe you are the one in heat, bro! Let 'em fight it out and keep the winner! hahaha
  10. Yeah but they're better at it. Compare the relative necessary effort, it's clearly unfair. When are we going to have equality in this country? Does "getting shut down" ever enter into the female experience? Hell where's Layton. He'll have my back.
  11. Oh totally, I wish women would just let us have this, man, I mean, here we go out to be strong males on the rock, and then some chick has to come along ruin my day, WTF, man, WTF! Did I go and try to give birth or something? You women are so inconsiderate, doing everything better than us! Sh*t, they're even better at getting laid!
  12. "Shit Jack. Can't you do any better than that, he looks somebody just shot him to death, for chris' sake!" "As you can see, the vital areas are highlighted in day-glo orange. Don't bother aiming for the green and brown parts, that'll just make 'em cry out bring more of 'em, and that'd just be wasteful."
  13. ashw_justin


    Hey how do you know about those. Are you one of them?
  14. ashw_justin


    Haha no I think the team stuff is great. I just think campusing sux because I have all this extra useless leg muscle from like, walking places and stuff.
  15. ashw_justin


    Oh and someone should make this their autosig or avatar.
  16. ashw_justin


    What happens when you get banned from there. Do they tell you to contemplate your sinfulness, pray for forgiveness, and come back tomorrow?
  17. ashw_justin


    Seriously though, what's up are they trying to make some mini-sharmas or what. Do they tell them to avoid leg exercise too, or do they do that on their own? BTW, when are they going to get around to putting the tram up to Little Si?
  18. Yeeeeaaaah baby! mmmm, $$$$'y!!!
  19. Sounds like you could have used some SKIS! skis-skisskiskis-skisskisksis skissplitboard skis ah, yeah. sorry bout that. thx
  20. 1. Trey Parker and Matt Stone deserve full intellectual property rights; 2. Since when is not being able to have an orgasm, a f***ing medical disorder; 3. This is all a conspiracy for the fascists to enslave our women.
  21. Fear? I'll tell you about fear. These fuckin' hippies with their positive attitudes.... I don't even care who the godamned president is. Come take away my right to kill myself and the last thing I see will be your look of surprise. Friends? Yeah, I know some other climbers. Real cool like, and good at what they do. But how are you gonna fly if you can't fall anywhere? Then there's the funseekers. RuMR the infallible freshie-slut, always looking for that chill thrill. Conditions. Conditions are great! That looks really fun. Maybe I'll give it a shot in the eternity. Some guys, you can look in their eyes and see, they just don't give a fuck. That's a connection you only feel on the double-noose, hangin out with good friends... There's a lotta folks out there, feeling comfortable. Darn right feeling good about themselves, man that must be one hell of a life. Me, I go for the life of hell... Fear is waking up underneath a pile of rotting flesh that you're not sure is dead or not. Fear is going to sleep and knowing you're gonna wake up in the same fuckin' place. That's why I do what I do. Because I don't want a fuckin' bed. I want a granite coffin. MFT. That's right, I'm Mark Fucking Twight. Bitch.
  22. doesn't feel like a big city, lots of great alpine stuff close by, far away from metropolises, awesome long summer days (and long winter nights).
  23. If you have stiff enough boots/bindings on the splitboard, you can ski down mellow terrain in skin mode. The plastic boots I use for splitboarding work pretty well for ice climbing, too. Quite stiff, crampon-compatible, rubber sole, but a lower cuff and not too much forward lean angle.
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