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Everything posted by ashw_justin

  1. hahaha what about the current foreign "aid"
  2. We have to keep in mind that very few women who get pregnant were planning on getting pregnant. And let's not forget that some asshole had to donate the sperm, so it's just as much his fault as hers, only she's way more fucked because she's gotta deal with the baby. Now I'm sure a lot of male tunes would change if they were the one's having to carry another fuckin' human being around in them for 9 months, but that's beside the point. This is a huge caveat in the quest for equality in this country. How can we deal with unexpected female pregnancies as a society? Can we do it in a civilized manner, without violating anyone's rights? What are you prepared to offer a woman, if you force her to be negatively unequal in society? How are you going to solve this without treating your fellow human beings like animals?
  3. Yes yes, but my point is let's keep it apples and oranges.
  4. Do you realize how near-birth abortions are performed? The doctor pulls the baby halfway out of the vagina, then literally stabs the baby (and yes, it is a baby, they are at the same level of development as when I was born, a month early) in the head with a pair of scissors. He then cuts the baby into little chunks and throws it away. That is inhumane beyond belief, to me at least. I feel revulsion when I think of this procedure. I support abortion as long as the abortion is reasonably early in the pregnancy. If it's too late, put the poor thing up for adoption. What? You don't believe me? Check this out if you feel the need to puke: late term abortion pics. Tell me that isn't murder. Here is a less graphic page, that I still find repulsive. Your opinion is so distorted and simplified that I have a very hard time imagining you as an intelligent individual. I was going to go through your post and refute each point, but it's of no use. You refuse to acknowlege that your opponents have a point. I have my opinions but I can see how others can have differing ones. It doesn't imply that they are dumb. Womens' right to chose does not== stabbing 8-month old fetuses. Unless you are just pretending not to know this, there is already a ban. http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2003/11/20031105-1.html It would be nice to live in a perfect world where there are zero necessary evils. Abortion doesn't put a smile on anyone's face. Unwanted, unintended pregnancy is a problem facing civilized nations. A year-and-a-half ago there was a big news story in Cuba about a 13-year-old girl who was raped and became pregnant. Now, she was prevented from having any kind of abortion, because people in the gov't were so interested in being religious fundamentalists that they were willing to ruin the life of an innocent 13-year-old girl (provided she could even survive giving birth). They also prevented her from leaving the country. Another innocent victimized, not only by her attacker, but also by her government. Problem NOT solved. In any case, I'd rather hear some intelligence on this matter than some horrific propaganda.
  5. A bit over simplified and insulting don't you think? Bush isn't dumb (regardless of how he comes across at time), the people he surrounds himself with aren't dumb. They do seem to have a more simplistic view of society and world politics. (They seem to think in black and white, where Dems. see infinite shades of gray). must claim the belated Hey I was just usin' metaphorics or smililies, or somewhat'erayacallit.
  6. The smart kids are never as popular as the big dumb jock. However now since the big dumb jocks (so to speak) have elected their quarterback, we (as a country, mind you) will all be married, have 10 kids, and low-wage jobs in about 5 years.
  7. Doesn't it depend on how you are acting... like if you use the 'gay'-guy "I'm so nice and I love everybody" approach then they will be nice to you, but if you just be yourself then they will treat you like the shithead you are. At least, in my experience...
  8. I make you black market special kitty. 500 dollar.
  9. So dude, there's this sick boulder about 3 hours walk from Paradise. Alpine bouldering yo!
  10. Yeah man I am there 2-3 times a week. Me and Tiny can usually be found at the lead wall, yelling "take."
  11. Gym climbing mastah say: dumb man swing on holds like monkey; kung fu mastah dance on holds like spider. Get more technical with your climbing. Learn to climb statically so that your hand finds the sweet spot on the hold and then stays in one place, and exert only as much force as is necessary. The secret to this is of course to have good footwork. If you ever find yourself hanging by your arms then you are probably not climbing in the most efficient manner. Not only will this tear the skin off your hands, it also won't cut it on harder stuff where the holds aren't big enough to just hang on (I can speak only to 5.11's though). Oh yeah, and climb a lot.
  12. Myself, I am already intimidated, my blood pressure rising, and my heart rate increasing.
  13. ashw_justin


    Dude. Baker. The Real Baker. You know you want it.
  14. [piggyback] I have a room for rent in Seattle north of the U district for $375/mo, modest bouldering wall in the garage. pm for details.
  15. "Here we see an example of an endangered 20th century primate, in what scientists believe to be its natural habitat." or "We've taken care to give this pseudohumanoid specimen all of his basic needs: rocks to hide behind, trees to climb... even a podium behind which it particularly enjoys imitating human speech and gestures."
  16. Haha you may want to integrate one or both of your axes!
  17. What the hell is a "genetic threshold"? Sounds like an abuse of scientific terminology to me! Any nerd worth his genome knows that your genetic threshold/potential is qualitatively reached upon conception...
  18. nobody is going to claim copyright on "pinkpoint"
  19. Oh yeah, to reiterate JayB's mention of possible hidden crevasses... Seems if there's any time to rope up on a glacier, it's when there is new and relatively thin/weak snowpack, like there ought to be now. You'd probably have to walk into an obvious depression to fall into one, but you never know.
  20. Ok ok, there are a couple good things. Ceviche, tostado, and let's not forget the canelaso.
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