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Everything posted by ashw_justin

  1. No no, you can't deadlift or do any other olympic-style weight-lifting in the gym anymore, there's too much liability. They have multi-thousand dollar safety-slider-track-user-assistance racks for all pseudo-powerlifting.
  2. are you saying these damn things are going wireless now? Gotta love those no-calculator chemistry exams in college. "What's the big deal? Didn't you learn to estimate in preschool like everybody else?"
  3. Am I confused, or is Dateline one of those pseudo-news shock dramas?
  4. nuthin at all...couldn't leave the house...i was too scared since i couldn't find my helmet... Yeah whatever, RuMR was all "I can't onsight this 9b++ because of all of the helmets and body armor I have on!"
  5. Nah man, it's on cnn.com, it must the 100% accurate, concrete reality!!
  6. The counterexample (because math is fun ) is three pieces, 5, 9, and 9 kN, with a fall force of 18 kN. If all pieces are equalized statically, the 5 fails but the fall is held by the two 9's. Equalized dynamically (magic X) the 5 fails, and the two 9's take 18 kN plus whatever extra force is generated when the magic X extends, possibly overloading the 9's and RIP. Does anybody know how much extra force is actually generated when a magic X extends?
  7. If it was properly equalized, it wouldn't load assymetrically. Then again I'm not familiar with the climb.
  8. The point is: I don't see any reason why the DOJ needs a secret case, unless there is something to hide. Privacy is for citizens, not the government!
  9. Laws and court cases are NOT supposed to be secret. This is some fucking gestapo shit man.
  10. But then in a way you're putting all of your faith in your weakest piece, because it will be the first to fail, and the rest of the pieces will be shockloaded. You risk putting greater forces on more important pieces just to strengthen a weak piece. Unless all of the pieces are obviously horrible...
  11. Now that's some creepy shit.
  12. How is the magic X not sequentially weighting and popping? If one piece goes, the other piece(s) get shockloaded sequentially. Better to equalize by tying off correctly... (edit: unless it's a meandering route or traverse, and you can't set up adequate directionals...)
  13. An ATC works with two followers only if the two followers are climbing at the same rate. What do you need to pull slack out of just one of the ropes?
  14. The best WW boat I've had in the surf was the Necky Gliss. Add some fins onto a Gliss, and you'd be rippin'.
  15. It's a parasitic fungus that grows on misappropriated funds.
  16. I invented this move where you paddle like hell to get over a 8-10 foot wave, only you don't make it, and the waterfall flips you over backwards, and you land right-side-up in a backsurf and surf the whitewash backwards. I so totally meant to do that. I think I'll call it "space monkey."
  17. What are you talking aboot, Queest Alb ain't spanish.
  18. How many sport routes around here are 70 meters to the chains? I thought a "pitch" was either 25 or 30 meters.
  19. The cool thing about kayak surfing is when the surf gets that big, you can get some epic backflip poundings and then tell your friends it was an intentional rodeo move.
  20. I would take my kids to Exit 32, it's cooler. Oh wait, I don't have kids.
  21. So they rappeled without using the slings... and considered the rap rings as booty? I guess they are just more hardcore than us. Or maybe they were trying to teach a lesson to the whimpy USA climbers?
  22. Tape works fine if it comes off or gets mangled you have extra lying around anyway.
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