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Everything posted by ashw_justin

  1. This has all been well documented before. http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/threadz/showflat.php/Cat/0/Number/361719/page/0/fpart/1/vc/1
  2. I seriously doubt that they have the right to turn you back for not telling them every little detail of your life. I'm not suggesting not being cooperative, but it's not an interrogation, and in fact they don't have the right to interrogate you unless you are officially detained, and even then you have the right to not to tell them shit. They can find out all that they have a right to know about you by looking up your identification. They ask you as many questions a possible in the hope that you will fuck up, if you are not telling the truth. You are not required to play that game if the questions start to have nothing to do with crossing the border.
  3. I've heard of this before. Some guy will come ask something about your automobile, but it's just an excuse to get a good look inside, then he steals your daughter. Fucking sicko.
  4. fuck that really sucks, but perhaps, could maybe a few other states down there sink too? There's plenty of room in Texas, probably.
  5. Jesus, how about "none of your (fucking) business?"
  6. rapping is cool, man, and you get to do all kind of rope shenanigans.
  7. the Stainless Steel Rat books by Harrison, fun reads. the Odyssey. Pretty kickass story, fine females, and puttin a cap in some trippin' fake-ass bitches. Tao Te Ching.
  8. ashw_justin

    human zoo

    That's just horrible. What are the children going to think, when they all start raping eachother and beating each other to death with limbs pulled out of sockets, and using the blood as sunscreen?
  9. Those ratings are great, they trick me into not over-packing...
  10. Take crampons and ice axes, it's likely to be icy up there. I would not be surprised if you had to get creative.
  11. two-faced windbags, all of them. The only thing that saves us from instant doom is that each politician is too selfish for anything really important to get done. Any definitive action is a failure of our government.
  12. Actually, the crux of this route is when you follow Sky down the SSE side of Guye, as he scouts out random scary gullies for winter skiing potential.
  13. I'm happy as long as the gym-climbing is confined to the outdoor gyms (i.e. the exits) and the real climbing (i.e. Index, Leavenworth, the mountains) remains tightly regulated by rabid traditionalists, who will tear out your shitty crack bolts, and vibe your ass by taking a dump on the hood of your subaru when you try to come with that yuppie sporto attitude. Besides, there is no steep rock except at 32, so why anyone would waste their precious redpoint time climbing or developing anywhere else is beyond me.
  14. It's like RuMR said. I know there must have been a time when noone would lead a route with the intention of taking a lead fall. But today, most climbers spend 90% of their time in the gym doing exactly this, and then going outdoors looking for shit to fall off of. Otherwise it's too easy and a waste of their precious urbanite time, to climb carefully and in control on -gasp- a slightly easier route.
  15. Ok so what set of criteria defines: safe enough? a? no groundfalls, if falling from a crux; but you might get hurt of you're a dumbass and fall off the easy part. b? no groundfalls, period. (assuming competent belayer) c? no groundfalls period, and no fall greater than 30 feet (15-foot bolt spacing) d? no groundfalls period, and 10-foot bolt spacing. (common) Also I don't know if it's been said, but anyone who is too much of a puss to accept the risk of leading on pro that may inadequate, should feel perfectly comfortable top roping... leading a grade isn't about having your hand held so you can be proud of yourself, it's about mastering a grade to point that you know that you will not fall. Fuck redpoint-fests. If you can't lead it without falling then toprope it until you can.
  16. ok let me just make sure I'm following. Taking pride in inadequate protection. fucking retarded. Blaming your inadequacy on inadequate protection. fucking retarded. Amount of protection on any given route: obviously, simply subject to prevailing opinion of the climber community. Did I miss anything?
  17. oh yeah and I hate fucking computers.
  18. shit bitches I just got off work and no it is not a PM job
  19. i think it's funny Dru. now get the fuck back in the cage!
  20. sweet dudes, right on. but I know you didn't just forget to mention your wicked snowboard descent!
  21. If nothing else, buy local. staREIbucks lost its local status way before I even knew what climbing was. REI-Joes has an entire floor dedicated to clothing most of which I would never consider wearing anywhere (to be fair, there remain a few select things that do not contain cotton.) However, I think Pro Mountain Sports should try a little harder to keep pace with REI's realistic outdoor setting. Down there they have authentic northwest bushwhack past raging cataracts where you can get lost for days and totally epic while hoodlums ransack your automobile for goods tradable for shack-crack. As Pro Mountain Sports caters to a more technically-minded clientele, I see it necessary that its owner provide genuine rockfall, wet slabs, and an obvious gully as mandatory approach to his wares. Visitors should be subject to the occasional forced bivy in the fitting pit when viscious ethicists slash their anchor tat.
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