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Everything posted by badvoodoo

  1. And here I thought this post would be about this site. Which is far more entertaining than the original link.
  2. Um, yaaaa, I'm starting to notice that... Makes a beginner feel good about their placements tho.
  3. Perhaps in the same way he's a football player?... Or in the same way Bush is a Segway user?...
  4. I thought all liberals were Buddhists... You know, fat and sleepy-lookin.
  5. That is some serious asshanding. I'm so very glad he made fun of the bow tie.
  6. badvoodoo

    Team America

    My bad, I thought at one point they said it was Iowa. Sure as hell looked the same.
  7. badvoodoo

    Team America

    Sean of the Dead was definitely a great movie, but Napoleon Dynamite just DRAGGED for me until the end. Probably because I a) didn't grow up in the midwest, and b) didn't go to highschool in the 80s.
  8. Damn right, next best thing to being limber is not knowing you aren't limber. As for me, nothing's helped me work harder than cleaning for someone climbing just above my level. Someone PATIENT, that is.
  9. "I have a vision of the future of America... We'll make a huge Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, and everyone gets their own choo-choo. Hot damn I love that ride."
  10. badvoodoo

    Oh. God. No.

    Apparently I never looked mine up, and I'm not posting a link to it.
  11. I call bs on that one. 1st you only needed to chalk up if your working something hard. 2nd I find its more of a probelm that i just can't grip the hold in the first place if my hands are sweaty, if you can grip it once your hand is on there its not a probelm Try Squids idea, or just deal with it till your hands get used to it. It was the best I could come up with, since I'm at a loss as to how you get blisters climbing. I was a gymnast for several years, and I learned quickly how blisters form. Rips are easy when you're pulling hard, because it requires only a single lateral motion to simply rip the skin off, but blisters require repetitive motion in multiple directions, working the skin loose. If you're working your hands on a single spot that much in that many directions, it seems like you're not keeping your movements smooth, which is critical when you're holding on by just the friction of your skin. As for rips, ya, second to just taking some time away, Squid's superglue option seems like the best bet for fingertips.
  12. badvoodoo

    Terminal Gravity

    I see huge morning headache potential. Ouch!
  13. Which rock? I was looking under everything. But, they went above and beyond the call of duty for a $25 pair of shoes, so I'm not worried. good ridance PPPPEEEEEEUUUUUUUUU Actually, I thought for sure my RANK socks would act as a good deterrent for shoe theft.
  14. Which rock? I was looking under everything. But, they went above and beyond the call of duty for a $25 pair of shoes, so I'm not worried.
  15. Currently, I don't pull anything harder than V2/3 in the gym, but I've never had a problem with blisters, inside or out. I can see shredding tips, but beyond that, I'm not sure what kind of repetitive friction you're pulling to generate blisters. Unless you're talking about tearing from slopers... One thing I can think of is that climbing in the gym tends to be MUCH more humid due to being enclosed, so I need to chalk up more. Without the chalk, your hands might be sliding over the holds and rubbing the skin loose.
  16. Ya, if you find a way, let me know. I'm 0-4.
  17. You were just keepin the Love Fest on-topic!
  18. More drunkeness (note the not-uncommon sight of Tex on the tap) The Student Wall was BUSY on Saturday as Muffy and I, alongside Fern and Geek The Greek, tackled some funky cracks. more pics from the weekend
  19. Good times, good folks, good beer, good climbing, and good weather (eventually). Though someone snagged my 10-year-old ratty hiking shoes, complete with nasty socks, from the base of Morning Glory yesterday. Layton, you made the bringer of beer happy with your joke, which is what really counts. And I'll third it: Timmy, . We missed ya out there man.
  20. Not only does it kill, it's hard work.
  21. Oh man, I so have to try that....
  22. Right now it's venting gas buildup. Actual eruption will be at the sign of magma, which is still about 1/2 a mile down, but likely building pressure fast given the size of the steam cloud.
  23. badvoodoo

    Friday humor

    I have to agree, that was weak. So he looked frustrated or sceptical during a debate, whoopty shit!
  24. So you'd get in someone's face about comments they made to someone else about denying them access to a free service on the internet that is little more than a social venue. Or did I miss something?
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