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Everything posted by badvoodoo

  1. Persistance. And new shoes that didn't have wiggle room in the toes (Mythos STRETCH).
  2. CC.com: We're pretty sure we have real women on here.
  3. Is it just me, or have former spraylords of cc.com gotten decidedly pussified?
  4. badvoodoo

    I'm outta here

    He's likely off to form climbersofthecascades.com Splitter!
  5. Thanks CBS, I'll look for her. And for a more specific question, trying to get an idea of current post-tsunami accomodations.
  6. Who's got it? Never been, planning to go. Looking up info on where to climb, where to stay, etc, so any info or info sources are appreciated.
  7. Hah, I knew you couldn't stay away all day.
  8. Too late, his secret has gone with him! This could become the cc.com Kennedy assassination. Was it a covert plot by the moderators, setting up Mike? Was it actually MisterE on the grassy knoll?
  9. Two solo road trips this summer encompassing 10 natl. parks and climbing at City of Rocks and in Bozeman, MT.
  10. Get enough guys hangin around a guy named "Bones", you're gonna get ONE.
  11. TG not only makes a killer brew, but he also knows his dentistry. Just look at the line! Is that dude on the right wearing handjammies??
  12. 50% of all people are below average, after all.
  13. From what was uttered and overheard in the gorge, I think it was a rare strain of communicable tourettes.
  14. Word from the OSU camp spread fast!
  15. I could answer that for you, but it'll hurt. But will it be worth it?
  16. Lets not forget the official theme of this year's Lovefest: "Why? Why was I made to feel pain?"
  17. Especially the movies that require lots of lube and very little wardrobe.
  18. Had it, pounded endless amounts of green tea and water, and kept it low-key. It's still rattling around in my chest a little though, some 8 days later...
  19. This is surely a common youthful perspective, but I would rather die even somewhat spectacularly now than slowly and feebly at the end of my bodily tether, unable to so much as stand on my own. However, I couldn't have said that a few years back, as I had been living in neutral, unable to remember something of note from whole months of time. If I were to die tomorrow, I would certainly regret the things I had not done, but I would not feel my opportunities had been wasted, and would not have died simply watching the clock.
  20. I'm there, whatever the date. This is the year I'll send Bunny Face, I can feel it!
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