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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. I always wondered what a "Turbo Lover" was.....
  2. Kool. Thanks for the links guys. Here are my favorites: link click me Clique
  3. I bought one of those RealFeelĀ® things, but it didn't do it for me.
  4. Sssshhheeeessshhhh Squid. Do your homework!
  5. You might try the OR Outlet down on 1st Ave in SODO.
  6. According to the Exped website it is made of eVent. Wait till the first sue happy person goes up in flames in one of these things!
  7. What do you guys think of my new gun?
  8. I prefer the wild ones to the domesticated ones. Sure, they're a little gamey, but but the flavor is better. Plus, I have ethical concerns about the pen raised version.
  9. Do you have a source on some good neon spandex? I think it is exactly what I need to take my climbing to the next level. I'm already using the correct gear sling, so I know that isn't it.
  10. Damn it, I had it all figured out. Why you do you have to fuck with my reality Fairweather???
  11. You should expand your product line to include soap products and plastic food containers. That's where all the real money is to be had.
  12. Ya, but were they good looking?
  13. It is my priviledge and police enforced right to have my Western Burger exactly as I want it!
  14. This line of questioning seems vaguely familiar, but I know it isn't the case because Specialed would never troll.
  15. You have to ask yourself is it worth it. Maybe you'll get used to the extra wieght?
  16. Let the record state that I won todays debate by outlasting KK.
  17. Many people who oppose government social programs are extremely generous regarding charitable contributions and community involvement. The opposition is to HOW these causes are funded and selected by individuals. Moreover, there is a lot of disagreement about how efficiently government administers to these program, whether it is truly "compassionate" (governments are not intrinsically compassionate, and neither are bureaucracies), and where the accountability lies. It is thoroughly disingenuous, if not outright slanderous, to state that Christians who oppose big-government social programs are not "compassionate". I'm at a loss as to what you're qouting above, but I am great friends with plenty of Christians that are as compassionate as anyone. Last I checked governments are run by people. People are all over the map as far as compassion. Perhaps those that might go into public service (i.e. a goverment position that deals with government sponsored "compassion") might tend to be more compassionate? Certainly they aren't doing it to get rich. At least these people are mandated by laws to not sell a religion to their customers (as the seperation between church and state exists). Can the same be enforced for government subsidized churchs providing "compassion"? It is the nature of Christians to evangalize...that is what they are supposed to do. So you end up mixing government funded religion outreach programs. Maybe I'm missing something here, but it seems to be a bad idea. Is the seperation between church and state something we should retain?
  18. Be careful with your broad strokes again KK....the swastika (at least the particular one you're referring to here) represents a particular regime. Communism is a idea not a regime. Perhaps wearing a item that supports a particular viscious version of communism (and the acts of that regime) I would regard the same as a Nazi swastika. But the repression of thought is a bad idea.
  19. I've seen these people. It is primarily seems to be a "fashion statement". If you ask them what Che means to them, they'll probably just say "revolution"...and do they want a real revolution?....usually not. They are not true commies, they just want to look cool. The real commies that you should be worried about wear chinese army hats.
  20. Don't get all liberal on me and start inferring how I was "acting"! Any rational person can recognize that demonization happens on both sides. I was specifically referring to the semantics of the term "liberal".
  21. The information you left out is what you're eating.
  22. You seem all too willing to continue to throw that poor baby out with the bath water. In any policy debate all Dems and of course the media which they undoubtably control, all republicans are branded as neocons? "There is no differentiation."? If you paint the situation as black and white, it certainly makes it easier to argue a point, doesn't it? I was merely pointing out a tendancy to use the word "liberal" as a negative term...which by true definition is a very general term...not indicting everyone right of center.
  23. Sure..."neocon" and "radical conservative" are used in a negative sense...but don't those tend to indicate the extreme right? One can be liberal, yet not extreme left. Is it just a right wing tendancy to throw the baby out with the bath water?
  24. Call it if you want. I'll just repeat my message over and over until it becomes truth! Maybe I am inaccurate (how liberal of me! ), but I have never heard "conservative" used like a dirty word....and I heard the word "liberal" spat around almost every day. "Just another liberal from Massachusetts" etc...
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