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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. If the baseball didn't come from a Mariner, it should be considered unclean and unworthy.
  2. I'm disappointed you didn't toss the ball back on the field. VERY VERY DISAPPOINTED.
  3. Did it sound like this? FAP FAP FAP FAP FAP FAP FAP FAP If so, it was probably Hugh outside your bedroom window.
  4. olyclimber

    lil human

    Well stupid ass, you should have rescued the little bugger with your uber-mountie rescue skills then. Clearly this is your failure.
  5. olyclimber

    lil human

    I was wondering why teh Googles has a fossil on their front page. Answer: http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/2009/may/19/ida-fossil-missing-link
  6. All I can say is this combination of my two favorite things: Guns and National Parks : can only lead to bliss. This way I can have my picture taken right next to those buffalo and still feel safe.
  7. repetition is the point. and if you don't know what tauntauns can do for you, i feel frightened for your future. and btw, thats a picture of my son, so stop staring at him you creep.
  8. Bug, check this out:
  9. Zeta, thanks for just "popping in". When you start a thread about a subject, unless you want to try to babysit and keep everyone on topic, its going to evolve into something that you might not have thought of. In this case, it looks like everyone wants to try to be funny instead of discussing something they felt they had already discussed. And truth is, many have here. Also of note is that while there are a few "armchair climbers" here (I prefer "deskjockey" myself), there are also some people that climb alot more than you have and could actually could give you some useful insight. That said, it doesn't even appear that you have read the ANAM 2007 that is in question? Why don't you go buy a copy (the money goes to a good cause!) and READ it! There you will find an analysis that is done as well as can be with the actual information at hand. Those folks do a great job. Then, if you do have any SPECIFIC questions that are not answered there after you do this, then come back and ask them here. It will be much smarter than coming here and asking a group that has already rehashed and rehashed this issue. As for the rest of you, spray is done in this thread. Thanks.
  10. Woot! + Coleman pool opens this weekend!
  11. Have you seen this amusing picture, and can you give a chronology as to when it was posted on this website?
  12. Give it up dude, that guy was way more awesome than you'll ever be.
  13. that guy really left some sand in your privates, didn't he?
  14. What the hell sort of nonsense is this?
  15. I'm not saying this to brag or massage my ego or anything like that, but I kept it really humble today. So much in fact, that I just got short listed for a Noble Peace prize. I usually keep this stuff pretty close to the vest, because I think being a good human means keeping your ego in check. I'm pretty proud of myself, and you should be too. After all, going for this long with opening a thread touting my assets is not an easy thing to do. So, step back and enjoy what I've achieved today. Its on me!
  16. Crank the Lee Greenwood brother.
  17. dude, what are you a lawyer or something?
  18. thats a laugh given what happen to our adherence to that doc by the past administration. where was your concern then?
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