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Everything posted by olyclimber

  2. i would probably vote for Phil. he has a lot of enthusiasm.
  3. Uhhh yeah you don't want to open up that can [video:youtube]8EvNJWM_NDg remember this guy?
  4. the Internet http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet
  5. w00t! see ya there.
  6. Wow boner...what sort of sites are you hanging out on these day? are you in that pic?
  7. [video:youtube]_Q-6H4xOUrs passion! he has it.
  8. olyclimber


    go full retard or go home
  9. Go to Radio Shack. They have killer booming systems.
  10. I can certainly appreciate the "refocusing on goals" Lowell. Thanks for contributing your time to such a cool publication. It will be tough to fill those shoes I'm sure, hopefully someone will. Thanks for yet another issue, and best of luck in your other goals.
  11. olyclimber

    RopeUp 2010

    Well I have no doubt you guys can do it on your own! We just like putting on something every year to celebrate another year of climbing in the northwest. let us resume it next year!
  12. Is there a "Milk and Honey" route to be added to the above topo?
  13. http://azstarnet.com/news/local/govt-and-politics/elections/article_cfb8fb2a-20a9-59d0-9276-ffaf4067b082.html
  14. derp.
  15. [video:youtube]xUPKKbmWMZ8
  16. Wow, I would have never thought to carry your camping gear to the summit, but I'm betting you are glad you did!
  17. olyclimber

    RopeUp 2010

    Sorry folks, I just don't have the time to organize it this year. We believe that if we do it, we need to do it right, and make everyone happy (including the camphosts!). That takes a bit of care and planning (more than you'd think!). Unfortunately we just don't have the time this year to make it happen. I do plan on making it happen in 2011. It has been a fun event, and I've really enjoyed putting it on. It will be back. [img:left]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/__d2B9sUpUVU/STIQnqPQSLI/AAAAAAAACHk/pg5QKXIkoO8/s400/I%27ll%2Bbe%2Bback.jpg[/img]
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