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Everything posted by olyclimber

  1. http://www.komonews.com/news/local/101995878.html
  2. That's how I always view you. Wow you guys found common ground! 8D
  3. can't we heap them all together? anything that isn't atheism, we can declare a holy war on.
  4. So what you're saying is, that if we let them build this terror camp on ground zero, we're letting the terrorists win?
  5. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/38937885
  6. tearist? http://downtownseattle.komonews.com/content/man-charged-racially-charged-attack-turban-wearing-man
  7. olyclimber


    maybe make it spicy...comes with a wife, etc.
  8. he's just a cyberstalker.
  9. [video:youtube]7XtuPvwBa2U
  10. http://news.yahoo.com/s/yblog_upshot/20100830/cm_yblog_upshot/glenn-beck-rally-sparks-debate-over-crowd-size its how some people report the news these days...like clowns playing "telephone" (the repeat game)
  11. interesting news article
  12. aw heel yeah
  13. I have lots of stuff going on so I'm not able to do all the planning to make this happen. If you are interested in making it happen, please contact Jon or myself. The party have been really fun for the past years that i've been doing it. I just need to take a year off from running it myself. I'll attend if people step up and make it happen this year.
  14. And who bears the cost for they're risks?
  15. plural
  16. my tweet have done twice fold.
  17. Well I just tweeted about it. What have you done?
  18. only if you consider losing messy
  19. Any thing less is clearly a victory for your enemies.
  20. Lets build an oil well at ground zero.
  21. No. Two Billionth. If I watch them again, maybe.
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